Nonsence Report
November 09, 2009 @ 5:47:00 AM | 0 comments

Uwaaa~ ! I can feel haengbok, shiawase and happiness in meee~ ! Yesterday I got Super Junior M HUGE poster, Super Junior Super Show 2 poster, Jaejoong+Micky SUPERHUGE poster, Momo Love poster and SS501 magazine. Muah muah! xoxo. Sayang orang yang buat magazine2 cina tu! :x Apa? Did you just said cina? Yes, chinese and yes, I don't understand chinese even a little bit. But who cares? Dalam tu ada poster Super Junior! As a fangirl, sape yang tak nak en? Dahlaa muka Wookie baby boo sebesar-besarnya kat poster tu~ ! >w<

Tomorrow my school got some activities for form 2's. Ugh, malasnya nak datang. Hey, what are we waiting for? Let's skip! xD Well the truth is, I planned this with Yuuki from the start, hehe~ x]*
innocent* What ?? Tinggal 3 hari lagi je en nak cuti. Suka hatilaa~ :p Rasa macam buang masa je pergi skola.

Semalam ummi ada belikan rubik's cube untuk Yui. Disebabkan Yui dah expect hari ni mesti boring sebab tak buat pape, Yui saja je bawak cube tu. Seriously susah gila nak main benda tu.Yui cuma reti buat 1 surface je. T-T Yuuki pun sama. Thank goodness ada Sheau Veon, my 'neighbour'. She seats behind me. Kalau cube dah kucar-kacir, suruh jelaa dia betulkan balik, hehe~ Kejam betul aku ni. x] Luqman Arief a.k.a L.A. pun reti main ouh. Goshh, I really impressed with both of them. They played the cube like it was that simple. ;O Well, I did tried but I'm still sucks. T^T Tapi Yui tak nak give up. Still nak tahu solution dia. >_<

Korang dah tengok iklan Mr. Potato kat tv? Masa first time tengok kat tv, Yui actually ketawa terbahak-bahak macam orang baru lepas Tanjung Rambutan. xDD Seriously Lawak gila! Misai dia pun tergoda tengok ouh. Memang TIADA KOMPROMI! xD Oh, one more thing about Mr. Potato, I did read about the Mr. Potato Contest on Kak Dila's bloggie. It seems like interesting. [; Kak Dila pun join but sorry for her about the 18 + years old rules. Haha, tapi Kak Dila buat sungguh-sungguh ouh. xD Sayang sangat kat Mr. Potato misai chantek tu. :p

Okay then, I think that's all for today. Oh, oh! Forgot about something. I wanna congratulates Emii-neechan for the Graduation Day. OMEDETO EMII-NEECHAN~ ! May your wish which is to become Yuto's wifey, be come true! Uwaa, neechan is a big girl already ne~ Feels like time is getting shorten now. Sebelum ni rasa macam neechan skola menengah lagi, sekarang tetiba je neechan nak habis sekolah. Hurrm, I just could wishing all the best for you. Dah cukup duit poket nanti, jangan lupa ajak Yui pergi Nihon sekali. :D You too, Ichigo-san, ganbatte na~ !;D Jangan lupa Yoshioka Yui ye~ Haritu dah terpesong ke Kara kejap pulak tu. :p Jaa, I'm off from here!

p/s: Ne neechan, ingat lagi tak pen merah, pen biru tu? ^^


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