Volume 2
February 27, 2010 @ 4:05:00 AM | 0 comments

Woohooo ! Finally I chose Big Bang!

Last month, I went to Speedy and I'm interested to buy the Big Bang's Volume 3 or SS501's Rebirth. But it ended with Super Junior M's first mini album. When I came back to Speedy this evening, I just saw Volume 1, 2 and some other Big Bang's mini album. I thought of buying the Volume 3 before but me can't do anything. Orang dah beli, tak boleh nak tolonglahh. SS501's Rebirth was there, but I only got RM 50.00 in my hand. Sh*t, It costs almost RM 70.00! T^T Tapi kalau dia bagi sekali poster besar, it can consider as 50/50 lahh.

Wait wait, MBLAQ's first album was there too! ;O Iman Yui seriously mcm dah tergugat (mmg tergugat kot) bila nampak gambar Joonie oppa. x] At first I thought of buying it, but then my eyes captured something. It costs RM 26.90 just for 3 songs. Ugh, It was very annoying. I had to let it go and look at other else.

Then my eyes caught SNSD's 2nd album, Genie. Kyahh~! I was almost scream out loud when I saw the album! This time, I'm being careful. I check the price; it's okay, the cover; it's a BRAVO; and lastly the songs, which the reason why I don't buy it. Sume lagu-lagu dia Yui dah dengarlahh. Baik tak payah beli kalau dah tau en? So Yui bertekad nak tunggu album "Oh!" keluar kat Malaysia dulu baru beli. [;

I was tired of waiting the right choice came out. Then I saw a disc, a disc with hot kpop songs. It got SJ songs, DBSK songs, 4M songs, WE songs, SNSD songs and more. I want to buy it but I think twice. I think it's like a shortcut to happiness. Yui nak kumpul duit untuk beli album yang officially keluar oleh company masing-masing because I'm a true KPop fan. (cecehh) So, I say no.

Yui belek-belek album yang ada sampai ada yang terjatuh. (Kebanyakannya Big Bang. Apasal ntah. x]) Sampai ke hujung dunia, Yui terjumpa Brown Eyed Girls. Omg, I love the cover. It's so stylish and simple. ;] I checked the songs first and I let it go. Almost every songs is remix lahh. I want random songs, not remix ones. ;/

Because of tired searching, I went back to Big Bang and grab Volume 2 without checking anything. (because I've checked it like million times. -,-) So, finally I got Big Bang. Welcome to your new home, Lollipop guys. :D

Kim Yui.

Cuz you're like a caffeine
"I can't fall asleep at night"