Waratte yo, minna
October 21, 2010 @ 10:26:00 PM | 0 comments

Assalamualaikum and greetings. Once again, Yui's continue blogging after having a war with lotsss of papersss. My exam was fine, I guess. I'm glad everything is over and i'm herebloggingonlinekpoppingchattinggaming. :) Okay, don't ask me too much about the PMR 'cause I won't answer. What's past is past. Let's just look forward and make the brightest smile you could. Hohoho, sekarang ni memanglaa kena senyum puas-puas. Dah dapat result exam nanti menangis berdarah karang.

Btw, the main reason i'm typing rite now is to introduce you to this Ryan Higa guy. I knew him thru Youtube last year, can't remember why I met him. Masa tu tengah tgk vid apa tah sampai bole jumpa dia ni.

This is the first vid of him I watched ;

Lol, mmg gelak habis laa tgk. xD Yg ni okey lg. You should watch this too ;

If you wanna check out more of videos, just go to his youtube channel. C; Promise he won't fail making you laugh. ;D

That's all for now then. Baibai. Less than 3. :) (cbe fikir ape tu)


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Cuz you're like a caffeine
"I can't fall asleep at night"