Jibber Jabber
April 21, 2011 @ 2:10:00 AM | 0 comments

"Are you a belieber?" "Don't even hope."
"You're going to JB's premiere movie?" "Wtf no way."
"You going to JB's concert?" *destroys everything near me*

she shud look like this!

Bieber bieber bieber. That's all I hear, that's all I see, that's all I smell, ugh. I tried my best making statements about how I hate this bishh to my belieber friends but people seems can't understand me. Why ? The 'Bieber Fever' strikes their health. (kesian, sampai bole lupa eh penyakit ni) Just because he's coming tonight doesn't mean you can show your fan-kind-of-act in front of me. No matter how much I received bribes from him to love him , I'll forever eternally infinitely stick to my status quo. I'm wondering why most girls go crazy because of this kid. Well I mean like come on, my ears gone bloody deaf listening to his her songs. Whenever his her songs came out from nowhere, I'll find my ways to avoid them. Don't you feel the same way that I do? HisHer pitch is too high for a teen.

What's badber is some even compare this bullshit to my baby magnae taemin oppa (!) >,< Wtf asian bieber ?!?! I suggest you to do some eye check. I'm pretty sure the Bieber fever infection gone critical that you got the risk of going blind !

(click for taemin's growth)

you got his warning.

- Aifa / Yui

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Cuz you're like a caffeine
"I can't fall asleep at night"