Dating <3
Today I got nothing speaial to do in home. Not in a mood to onlining myspace nether watching videos on Youtube. -________- So I decided to fangirling my dearest Kim Ryeowook either searching for more his pictures nor searching any news about him. It's just for fun, anyways. ;D
Hey hey, guess what? I found some trivia about him. :] Here it is ;
1. He likes girls who sing well (ie. bada) and have nice necks.
2. He likes to get free makeup samples and never has an umbrella.
3. He plays the piano very well, and used to be quite chubby in school (weighed 80kg and lost 25kg).
4. He used to play the triangle in the school's orchestra.
5. He had his first kiss when he was 7. [WHAT?!! :O]
6. He lost his shoe during a Miracle performance in February.
7. He loves ice cream and chocolates.
8. He sleeps a lot and can sleep up to 18 hours a day!
9. He never irons newly bought jeans. And once he wears them, he never washes them for the longest time.
10. He has a mole on his right cheek. It's quite prominent when he doesnt wear makeup.
Whoah, the fifth trivia really shocked me. How come a cute little seven years old Wookie got the first kiss in such a young age. :O Uwaa~ I'm so jealous with that lucky girl. >_<
I figured out that me and Wookie got a common trivia. Look at th seventh trivia. You see, I really really addicted with chocolates, any kind of chocolates. ;D Well, my favorite ice-cream flavor is chocolate too. x] Vanilla flavor is yummy too. [; But I'm less dislike with the strawberry flavor, idk why. =/ I guess it's Yuuki's favorite since Yamada loves strawberry too. :p Anyways, I hope that Wookie loves the chocolate flavor too. ^^
Then Yui buang tebiat buat screenshot on Wookie's official website , haha. xD Thanks a lot to Google for the forum translation. I really appreciate it. [; ;

Nak joinnnnn ! >_<
Tanpa Google, Ryeowook's website would be like this. Everything is hangul. Satu hapak pun tak faham. o_0 That's why I wanna learn Korea but I still love Nihongo. Besides, Nihongo is much easier than Korean. If not Korean languange, I have no choice but to learn Mandarin. T^T Well duh, since Wookie is now staying in China for awhile with Super Junior M, I bet he must have learn a little bit Mandarin. ;] But but Mandarin is very hard. My friend Rozanah Amirah is so lucky! She understands Chinese because she used to school in a Chinese school. Why is she so lucky? Sebab mana tau kalau-kalau Ryeowook Super Junior datang Malaysia then kitorang terserempak dengan diorang somewhere kat sini, dia boleh communicate dengan diorang. Besides, Super Junior got Hangeng, it's easier for her to communicate with them. ;O Takpe laa, at least Teukie oppa knows how to said "Apa Khabar?" Kyaa~ Saranghae yo, oppa~♥ Ya Allah, jauhnya aku fikir! xDD

Haha, I found something intresting. Someone made this for Wookie. Click this picture below to enlarge. You can see my name [Yui]. ^^ ;

Never say die, Wookie~ Naze nara wa koko ni eien ni itsumademo zutto zutto soba ni iru yo. Uso janai yo, aisubeki. Dakara saa, genki dayo na. <3
Fangirling Wookie is fun na~ There are more interesting facts about him but I'm lazy to post it on my blog, my fingers are getting tiring now, heh~ =l Jaa ne. :]
Labels: holiday, leeteuk, ryeowook, super junior