The Writer: Nur Aifa Mohd Raub
Born Day: 13 July 1995
Country: Malaysia
Fav Color: Simply black and white, plus green
I don't express my feeling well, I prefer keep things inside. I can be quite shy too ^▵^ My temper is no joke once you reach my patience limit, though I have that "kind" face. Yes, I have a complicated personality but people can count on me. You can tell that i'm still childish lol. I'm a choding afterall. Me in virtual world is waaay different than me in real life. I'm a night person, a metaphor of owls. In other words, internet causes me semi-insomnia almost every night sobseu ;~; I ♡ KPOP
Fav Foods and Drinks: Omma's cook ♡ And of course, caffeine.
Fav Artist: Infinite, EXO, CN Blue, Juniel, Teen Top, Nell, Phantom, Standing Egg.
Fav things : Online, tweeting, stalking oppa, sleeping, collecting origami stars and other kawaii things, fangirling.

Nickname: Myungfa
Special Date: 11 June 2010
Journey: 2 years, 7 months & still counting
Hope: You and I, married.
Myungfa is our nickname which combine our name together. I love checkered shirts, and so does he. I believe this is destiny lol. I've been a fan of him since Infinite debut days which was 11th June 2010. I may own lots of biases but he is forever my ultimate one, my ichiban. There are lots of things to tell about him but what matter the most is I love him. I wish you happiness, bb. Thanks for being a part of my life. You don't know how grateful am I to found you. I deeply hope the day of our meeting will come one day. <3