Patient is a virtue
Omg, it's only the first day of the second week and I really stressing out. Well, not because of the teachers or the studies but my new kpop friend, Syafiqah. Err, it's really hard to continue my life like this. A friend which is like an enemy to me but she still a friend. Complicated huh? :/ Uwaaa~ I love her as a friend and I also had to respect her as Ryeowook's fan but.. but.. ugh, you know that. -.- Here's what happened on the class just now.
Okay, I was a lil late because my whole family had to take my mom at Kelana Jaya on 6.30 pm. She had a meeting at Kuala Terengganu this morning; go there by aeroplane and went back home with her friend. Right after we took Ummi, Abah rushed to my tuition yang-sebenarnya-dekat-je-dengan-rumah.-jalan-kaki-pun-boleh as fast as he could. Thanks God I was just late a few minutes. Pheww~ ;]
Then I step into the tuition and open the class door. Syafiqah was the first student came there. It was funny that the late me still can be the second one. x] Oh, let's continue the last part. Suddenly, Syafiqah starts a conversation with her secret to me. It was really shocking, you know. Iit was about that annoying musang Firdaus. She told me that Firdaus SMS her to ask her become her girlfriend, slowly with some weird questions. Whoah, that musang Firdaus did it again?! =,= You see, he did once asking of my foster sister and now Syafiqah?? Well, as for me, I don't really care if they were couple as long she don't talk about my baby boo Kim Ryeowook. ♥ Hehe~ x] But from other side, I think Firdaus is hunting looking for a girlfriend. Galak gila nak mati mamat ni. -.- Dah single tu terima jelaa. Then for sudden, that musang came into the class. Hoho, thank goodness he don't hear us. x]
The teacher then told us to wait for Ehsan yang-langsung-tak-ihsan masuk class. Btw, It was Mathematics. [; I continue talking with Syaf and she showed that shocking me. Guess what? She showed me her inai-ed hands with some words as "Kim Ryeowook Super Junior". On that night, that was the part I really wished to clear off on my big head. =.= Ugh~! Pretending is a difficult thing to do. I don't want Syaf got upset so that's why. Let it pain in me. I don't care. =) After that, the class started with some exercises.
The class done and me quickly went out the class as well to let the pains over. At downstairs, both of our parents are not there yet. We talk about KPop there and laughing. I even remember what was the jokes but that was a precious moment. [; She then showed me her phone wallpaper again this time. The conversations was like this;
Syaf: Hensem en BF baru kita ni?
Yui: Haha, hensem? Tak lah. Comel laa pose dia. ^^
Syaf: Hehe, saja je tukar wallpaper dia. Hensem pulak tengok dia.
Yui: *smiling* :)
It was Eunhyuk! Yesss! :DD But, lol, Eunhyuk? Handsome? xD All this time for me, Hyukjae oppa is not a good looking guy but a funny one. That's why I love him. :D And also his cool dance moves. ;D Haha, thank goodness there's a little bit of "No Ryeowook" on her head. xD Then coincidently both of our parents came exact on the time. Wait, I realized something. Her mom's car Honda City is same with my mom's but Ummi's car is maroon and her mom's is gold colour. Haha, another coincident. xD Yeah, we are rivals, good rivals. :]
p/s: I miss Yuuki. :( <3

"Geudaerul saranghae, my love. Geudaerul saranghae, my love~"
Labels: friends, ryeowook, Sakura Yuuki, super junior