Halloween -.-
Hello again. :DToday I'm so not in mood for television. Everything must Halloween. Ugh~ the Westerns shouldn't influenced us with Halloween. =,= Lagi melemahkan semangat orang je! >,<
Just now, my whole family and me watch a movie entitled "Halloween" on Star Movie [Channel 143]. *promote betul laa xD* It's not a ghost story but a horror movie. Let me tell you the summary of this movie;
It's about a 11 years old boy named Michael who had a mental disorder caused from her sister who keep bullying him. At first, he starting to kill animals, even his innocent little mousie pet killed. His mom then sends him to the psychiatric. The psychiatric warned her mom to be careful after know what he did but she said things can get better. But the situation changes right after Michael kills her own sister at his house. How terrifying is that, huh? :O His mom sent him to psychiatric again but Michael did it again with killing one of the nurses with a fork because he's jealous with his little sister [still a baby]. Michael then sent to the police and arrested for his whole life. *padan muka, bunuh org lagi~ =.=* Right after the incident, his mother suicideherself. Poor her~ :/
It's not over yet. 15 years later, when it's time for the police to replace him to other place, Michael take a chance kill all the cops with the chains on his hands. He then on the way to 'solve' his grudge with his sister. He starts his little 'journey' with his old house. He took some knives that he keeps under the ground for his 'hobby'. He then start killing his sister's guardians, then her sister's friends and lastly he tried to kill his sister. Suddenly, his psychiatriccame to stop him. Unfortunately, he died. And the best part of this movie, his little sister shot him with the psychiatric's gun. THE END.
Hell yeah, Halloween is a SUPER scary movie. :O To be honest, I did scream when watching it. Heyy, even my mom did. xDD My lil brother,Muhammad Adam Arryff a.k.a M.A.A td pun dah mula asyik sebut 'Hantu! Hantu!" Ishh, who the heck is teaching him with that word?! I wanna kick thisAdam's baka teacher.Anyways, you better don't watch it. Seriously, IT'S BLOODY! 0_0 *Yuuki, jangan nak buat pasal lak xD*
Jaa, that's all for now! :D
p/s: That picture on the right, it's Bloody Wookie. Idk what happened but I guess it's a scene from Mystery 6. [;
Labels: Adam, Halloween, ryeowook
Woohooo !! 2 days left and I'm on the Dream Operation! xD *tidurlaa tu*
Next punya paper, Isnin; Geo & Math 1, Selasa; History & Pendidikan Seni Visual. Alhamdulillah setakat ni sume boleh jawab tapi Math 2haritu lain cite. Susah gila nak komaaa ! >,<
Yui kalau bab calculation ni kureng sikit. Math 2 dahlaa kena buat jalan kira. Nasib baik Math 1 kalau tak reti boleh hentam, hehe~ :]
Well, I'm not a Math girl. I'm more to memorizing-kind-girl but I got one little problem. It's the penyakit M; MALASSSS. Being lazayy is fun, U-Know. Do nothing and shut up. Eh, kalau berangan sekali pun best gakk. xD However, sometimes this is so wasting of time. =.= Baik duduk depan komputer and do whatever we want. Kalau tak komputer, pergi 7-11 then beli majalah atau komik. Kan best macam tu~ Lagi banyak poster boleh ditampal kat dalam bilik. x] Setakat ni CUMA adaposter Super Junior, Super Junior M, B.O.F's Flower 4, DBSK, SS501, GD, Hey Say JUMP, Ft. Island, Yamapi, Mizushima Hiro dan yang paaaaaling best, SNSD. Eh, tersesat pulak cerita pasal poster. Well well, let's continue! =p

This one is at the beside my desk. [;

This one is now my current file's 'wallie'. ;]
Fully credits to sapphirepearls.wordpress.com. Thanks for the E.L.F Malaysia too! ;D
Nak tahu kenapa best ada poster SNSD? Sebab Yui dah buat Seni kat poster tu, hehe~ *evil me*. >:D Tapi gambarJessie unnie + Soo Young unnie Yui tak sentuh. Yui suka diorang dua ouh. Both of them lagi matang drpd makhluk2SNSD yang lain. [; Oh yea, the rest dah macam makhluk asing dr planet Pluto agaknye kat poster tu. xDD What? Kenapa Yui conteng? Sebab Yui one of SNSD's HUGE-EST ANTI-FANS. ;D Kalau boleh SNSD dibubarkan andJessie+Soo Young unnie nyanyi duet je. Habis cite. Yang lain tu gi mati pun takpe, lantak dioranglah, espeacially Fanny + Yoon Ah. =,= Eh, eh, ni dah melepaskan kebencian kat SNSD ni. xD But seriously I'm soooo hating SNSD. Kalau korang nak tahu, percentage anti-fans SNSD lagi ramai daripada fans diorang tau. Baguslah macam tu. ;] Dozou, enjoy this vid. [:
Last words from Kira Yui;
Jaa, thanks for reading and understanding my hatred. :]

Labels: big bang, boys over flower, DBSK, final exam, Ft. Island, G-Dragon, HSJ, Jessica, Mizushima Hiro, NEWS, poster, SNSD =.=, Soo Young, SS501, super junior, Yamashita Tomohisa
Aww~ Fully thank you to Tsuki for this. She told me about Bommieunnie's new solo. Kyaa~!! Unnie is soooo adorable in her new MV! ^///^ Check it out;
Cute giler en? Tapi en, tak sepatutnya dia pilih laki nerd tu jadi hubby sehidup semati dia. Nak kata hensem, blah blaa. Nak kata cute,ewww~ -,- Tapi dah tak boleh nak tolonglaa sekarang. MV dia dah tayang pun. Haisshh, patutnya dia amik Big Bang's Seungri ouh. He's 1000000000 times cuter than that guy kat solo dia tu. >w<
Don't you think Bommie unnie secocok dengan Seungri oppa? :]

Well well, that's all about our cutie Bommie. Jaa~! :D
Labels: big bang, park bom, seungri, solo
Adik ipar
When my hubby meets Tsuki's Fishy...

they do crazy things. Aren't both of them are soooo cute?? ^^
Lol, me with boredom~ x] BYE!
Labels: donghae, fishy, ryeowook
Dance babeyh!
Kyaa~! Good NEWS!
Science Paper 1 was sooo easy as ABC, 123, 321, CBA, DOREMIFASOLATIDO, DOTILASOFAMIREDO! :DD
At first I thought it's gonna be hard. Well duh, sebelum ni Yui tak pernah pas Science. T^T Setakat lulus je baek tak payah en? But seriously I'M IN LOVEEE with Science!~♥ Sayang cikgu yang buat Science Paper 1! Yang buat Science Paper 2 tu, gomen ne, kurang sikit love. x] Paper 2 susah sikitlaa~
Ne minna, I got something interesting to tell you guys. Masa exam Science 1 tadi en, ada soalan pasal Lever. Tetiba Yui dapat idea bila nampak Load, Effort & Fulcrum. Korang tengok eh;
E- Effort.
L- Load.
F- Fulcrum.
= E.L.F.
Lol, Yui memang~ She's kinda insane lately sejak layan SuJu ni. xDD What can I do, ada genetic sikit dari Teukie oppa + Heechul oppa. xDD
Urrms Pendidikan Islam was okay. Ada yang lupa sikit. But I think I can score Pendidikan Islam. It's not that hard. [; Pengetua, baik doa banyak-banyak. Kata nak yang TERBAEK dari 2A en? :p
Cakap pasal SuJu, td Yui ternampak vid ni kat description Yui. Korang tengok jelaa. Saja je, just for entertainment. Have fun and hope you guys enjoy it! :] TEUKIE OPPA SARANGHAE~!♥ *saja buang tebiat, ignore je.*
Dancing Hottayss. ;D
Seriously Teukie look so cutee here~ >w<
Sekian, terima kasih.

Labels: final exam, leeteuk, studying, super junior
Semalam [again], masa paper BI1, Yui ada masa lebih lepas dah habis check jawapan, soalan, kertas OMR, nama, kelas, nama sekolah [perlu ke?], masa and sumenyelaa. Kebetulan Yui ada bawak kertas kosong dalam poket Yui. Ape lagi, lepaskan kebosananlaa kat kertas tu. Tetiba en, Yui teringat orang2 tade kerja berkarya kat majalah Klik. Yui pun saja je buang tebiat nak buat sekali, ngee. :D
Dah siap listkan sume lagu, Yui pun mula perah otak berfikir untuk karya Yui ni. Perah punya perah punya perah, terhasillah my first masterpiece. ^^ ;
Whenever I see you, the HEARTQUAKE keeps controlling me likeARASHI. [???]
Whenever I see you, I feel like the INSOMNIA starting to spreading in ME.
I know, IT'S YOU that THE ONE I LOVE.
As the clock TICK-TOCK-ing, I'm still waiting for yourCONFESSION and say AI NI AI NI to me.
I can imagine how it's feel after I MARRY YOU. [wtf?? =,="]
You're back from SuJu's PAJAMA PARTY and I COOKING COOKING speacial menus for U.
HAPPINESS would flows in me if this MIRACLE could happen to us.
When Heechul sings ROKKUGO to me, you take me away and say "LET'S NOT listen."
I've been expecting a LOVE LIKE THIS.
You're my Super Man and I'm your SUPER GIRL.
Hey, DON'T DON go that way. SHE'S THE ONE who can RESETyour love.
I'm SORRY SORRY if I'm too stubborn but trust me, I LOVE YOU MORE.
WHY I LIKE YOU too much? Because you're MY EVERYTHING.

If you guys did notice, there's some words tade kena mengena dengan SuJu. x]
For example, Arashi and Love Like This. Love Like This tu lagu SS501. Mmg langsung tade kne mngena. xD At least Arashi ada kena mengena. Eh, Johnny's Entertainment bekerjasama dgn SM Entertainment tauu. [;
Lol, I know. Too much nonsense. Just ignore them, ok? xD Jaa, I'm stop by here. Byebye~! :]
Labels: final exam, ryeowook, SS501
Yesterday before the BI1 test starts, ramai kawan2 wish gud luck kat Yui. Tapi ada sorang manusia bernama Fatiha ni sesat wish Yui dgn ayat lain. "Good luck, Chinen!" Hello, Who the heck is that Chinen to me and sape dia nak pnggil Yui Chinen?! >,<Yg paling 'best'nye en, pastu dia tanya apa nama family Chinen kat Yuuki and Yuuki jawablaa Chinen. Then dia cakap. "Silap, Good luck, Mrs. Chinen!" Erghh, manusia tu memang nak kena ouh. =,= Yui dengan confidentnya balas balik "Sorry, I'm Mrs. Kim." Haha, tak boleh bla~ ! xDD Yuuki siap tanya lagi "Yui, kaw nak jadi Tsuki ke apa? Kecik-kecik dah mengaku kawen." Well duh, I'm Ryeowook's wifey en? Mestilaa mengaku. :p *Perasannya aku.* Alaa, Yuuki tu pun 2x5 je. Dia siap berkarya2 lagi. Ayat jiwang gila nak mati. xD Tak habis-habis dengan RYOSUKE dia tu. Apa? Ryosuke-CHAN? Eww, geli-geliman eden. x] Eh, biasalaa orang dah fall in love tu en? Yui pun boleh jd macam tu apeee. ;]
Ah, ada lagi satu Yui nak cite ni. Lepas exam dah habis 2 hari lepas, dah sampai masanya waktu balik. Tetiba en, masa dah turun tangga, Yui terdengar orang panggil "Chinen!" Urggh~ ni lagi sorang manusia nak kena belasah dengan Yui ni. Nama kawan Yui sorang ni Intan. Dia dari dulu lagi memang ske cari pasal dgn Yui. Tapi nak tau sesuatu tak? Sume pengaruh 'Chinen' dr Fatiha & Intan ni sumenye disebarkan oleh Sakura Yuuki yg kejam tu. =,="" Takpe takpe, Yui sabar je nii. Tak lama lagi Super Man Yui akan datang selamatkan Yui. *Sila lihat gmbarnya di bahagian My SuperMan :p*
Ade lagi satu, lain cite pulak. Ada sorang budak form 1 ni minat Wookie. Omg, mmg halangan terbesar Yui laa dia ni. Tp setiap kali dia tanya Yui sape yg Yui minat dr Super Junior, Yui akan jawab Leeteuk. Eh, dia tanya minat en? Dia tak tanya sape yg Yui sayang. Hehe~ x] Lagipun Teukie best gak apa. Dahlaa comel, pandai buat lawak lak tu. x] Tp memang malas ah nak bertekak dgn budak ni. Dia ni dahlaa bnyk ckp, Yui pulak jenis tak berapa suka bercakap. Tp yg best psl dia ni, lepas bestfriend dia bagitau dia psl Fahrenheit, dia kata Calvin kiut miut sangat. Oh, for God sake, tolonglaa buang Wookie dr otak dia tu. Minat jelaa Calvin terus. Haishh, mata rambang betul dak kecik ni.
Last words for Chinen Yuuri; NIGA MIBDA! KIRAI YO! I HATE YOU! AKU BENCI KAW!
Sekian. :]


See, dia even curang dgn orang lain. -,-"
Tadelaa kiut-miut mana. Hensem je.
Labels: calvin, chinen yuuri, final exam, friends, ryeowook
Exam. :]
Greetingsss! :D I'm back, for awhile. T-TSetakat ni, Exam Alhamdulillah boleh jawab. But but English Paper 1 is a bit hard. T^T Memang tak sangka langsung susah gila nak mati tengok soalan-soalan dia. Cikgu Anita, DOUSHITE?!! D= Paper 2 is much easier than Paper 1. See, Teacher Jasminder is sooo baekk. *mentang-mentanglaa guru kelas, hehe. x]*
Oh yeah, yesterday I got the marks that the Pengetua wants from us. I got 6A 1B 1C. Errgh~ Kejam gila. =,= Apasal tak 6A 2B terus hah? Yuuki syoklaa dia. The Pengetua wants straight A's from her. Pandai en? Haisshh, takpe takpe. Aku sedar aku tak berapa nak pandai. Wanna know something? Sepatutnya those marks are secret. Teacher Jasminder terlebih baek bagi kitorang tengok those marks. Uwaa~ sayang Teacher sampai bila2. Jasamu tidak dapat kubalas. ♥ *Sorry, terjiwang sekejap.*
Okey, now let's talk about BM. BM 1 is sooo easayy. ;D Alaa, budak kelas belakang pun kompem boleh jawab. BM 2; Bahagian A; I thing the question is fine. Tadelaa susah sangat. Bahagian B insyaAllah boleh skor. Soalan dia pasal Usaha Menjadi Pelajar Cemerlang. Bahagian C ni eden paling menyampah. Senang tp kena tulis panjang melebar. Maklumlah, bahagian karangan. :p Bahagian D dia mintak 3 Persoalan Novel Pahlawan Pasir Salak. Fulamakk, pejam mata pun boleh buat ah. [;
Paper PJK; ada yg susah and ada yg senang. But most of is easy. Nasib baekk. Dahlaa Yui langsung tak baca PJK ouh. Hehe~ x] But seriously soalan dia bnyk senang. Tade lngsung psl otot. Alhamdulillah~ Kalau tak, habis Yui. T^T Satu hapak pun tak tau pasal otot. Yang pasti otot tu ada kat badan kita. HAHA~ xD
Kengkorang yang baca ni, pray for my success eh. Final Exam ni tersangatslah penting buatku sbb result Final Exam nilaa yg akan tentukan Yui terus di bawah KRK or jatuh ke kelas 2B atau lagi bawah. -.- Well again, pray for me! :D Besides, If I got a better result, komputer berada di bawah naunganku lepas exam which means MORE WOOKIENESS~! :D Im off from here. Bye~ Need more studies. :]
*Malas nak buat post colour2. Tak sempat.
Labels: final studying, m, studying
Lately I love to read KBS World's Entertainment News Reports. But this latest news really freaking me out! I've copied the news report below;

Kang-in of Super Junior is in deep trouble again just one month after he was charged with assault and battery. This time he was charged with causing an accident while driving drunk. According to a source at the Gangnam Police Station, Kang-in was driving a leased import car in the affluent Gangnam neighborhood in Seoul a little after three in the morning of October 15th when he crashed into a parked taxi. Fortunately, the taxi driver and two passengers in the cab were not seriously hurt, but Kang-in apparently got out of the car and ran away into an alley. He turned himself in at the police station a little before nine o’clock that same morning. He underwent a breath analyzer test, which showed 0.082% alcoholic content, high enough for license suspension. A police officer said that although Kang-in will be given some consideration for turning himself in later, he will still be charged with drunk driving and hit-and-run, because he left the scene of the accident.
The idol star was involved in an early morning fight exactly a month ago on September 16th. He suspended all public appearances since his involvement in the fight. With the latest mishap, Kang-in will have to stay away from the limelight for a couple of years, as is customary for celebrities charged with drunk driving or drug use. In the meantime, debates over whether he should be kicked out of Super Junior are heating up online show biz sites.
Kangin oppa~ doushite...?? You guys just make a comeback last yearbut not now, Super Junior can't go down now. Please don't make things worse. I'm here supporting you, Kangin, the rest too. I even joined Malaysia's E.L.F for Super Junior. I don't want Super Juniorends like this. Please, don't disappointed me and other E.L.F. WE LOVE YOU!~♥

Labels: E.L.F, kangin, super junior
Tsuki. :]

Konnichi wa, minna-san~! :DUwaa~ Hisashiburi na~ :] Seems like today is weekend, my parents allowed me to use the computer but not for a long time. :/ Well yeah, I broke my promise. Gomen ne. Me can't stop from writing. x]
Oh, what's up with the post title?? I'm here to spread about my lil sis's bloggie. Here's the URL.
Oh, forgot to tell. Let me introduce something about her. Her name isAlia, Nur Alia Mohd Raub but I call her Tsuki/Kak Chik. She's twelve; just done with twelvies' big exam, UPSR. She love SuJu'sDonghae[Fishie] sooooo much! =3 Her favourite colour is blue. She's one of theschool's hope. Impressive huh? ;D She's a shorty like me but yetannoying. Tsuki and me are sisters who likes to argue about anything. [even small probs] xD Lol, that's what sisters for, rite? x] However, I still LIKE her. *At least she said that's fine. =p*
Saa, I'm off from here. Nothing much too tell about this little tensai. Jaa! :D
Labels: blog, tsuki
Piano skill?
Morning! :]Yess, I told you I'm not going to active in blogging before, rite? Promise, just for this time and no more till the end day of the exam. Besides, I did this is for my baby Wookie so that's okay. Hehe~ x] Ah, ne ne, I got a story for you;
Once upon a time, there's an ordinary girl named Kira Yui wanted to learn piano but it's pretty late for her to learn them. The only thing she could do is give up.
The story begins with one day on a very sunny Saturday, Yui's little sister, Tsuki, told her about Super Junior [SuJu]. Yui tried listening to their latest song, Sorry Sorry [since Tsuki keep singing it in the bathroom xD] and she found that she likes one of SuJu's member, Kim Ryeowook [Wookie].
Since Yui fangirling SuJu, she downloading and downloading and downloading SuJu songs' mp3s until one day, she stopped. Wanna know why? She's in love with Wookie's piano composition called "Memories in Breeze". She keep listening it every single day in every single time. She's now deeply in love with Wookie. But still, she said she wants to give up on piano lesson. She told her parents that it's okay. "Because somebody already played piano for me..."
Interesting huh? Hehe, I know~ This is what we call 'syok sendiri'. xD Yui memang begitu, so sorry if it's bothering you but this story is the truth. I really really wanna learn piano but seems like I'm not fated to play piano but I don't care. Like what I said before; read on the last part of the story. That's why. :]
I know you must be thinking "What the heck with this girl??" or "Is she out of her mind??" Well, yes, I am crazy, I am pabo [credits to heechul oppa], I am hyper. xDD If there's someone who read those stupid story, thank you very beary much for wasting your time. You shouldn't read it, really. I was just kiling my free time. x] Thanks again. Jaa. =3
-YuixWookie. <3