Eternal Magnaes ♥
I am so gonna watch Magnae Rebellion this weekends! ;D
Oh Key oppa, you never stop practising girl groups dances, won't you? :)
Jinki Dubu oppa, you never stop falling, won't you? xD
And Mir oppa, WHY ARE YOU SOOOO CUTE~?! ^0^ Your innocent sense makes me wanna pinch yourr cheeks! ^///^
Anyways, I love you, oppa~! Saranghae~♥ ^_^
Keep your hard work in being cute magnaes like Wookie, ok? :3
Labels: Key, MBLAQ, Mir, Onew, ryeowook, SHINee
Another Confusion
Hello.Today I just found out that HSJ will release a new CD and got a new song called "Hitomi no Screen". It's an OST for Hidarime Tantei EYE 2. Credits to Yama niichan for that. ;]
The song's nice, and makes my cheeks wet. Don't ask why. It's already a normal thing for me after saw.. err, you know who. But I kinda M him after Ichi told me something about CY on myspace. Ugh~ something really fishy right now. >_>
Btw, hope you like the song. And emii neechan, you're lucky to have a really kakkoi romeo na. [; Saa, byebye.
p/s: Omg, Inoo really look alike my annoying uncle here. 0_0
Labels: Emii neechan, HSJ, JE, song, Yuto
Seriously ?
Yaww ,Ugh, today is just fine until the 'Arashi' gone loud and the 'Rain' made me wet! =,= Then the form 1 Chinese students made me gone crazy! You know what, the Chinese boys was topless! =,= Kalau kiut-miut hensem belaka takpe jugak. *gatal x]* Ni sume buncit-buncit. Dahlaa baju basah kuyup, nampak badan. Geli-geliman eden. ~___~ Oh oh, but among the Chinese, one of them got SuJu-M's cute violist Henry. Omg, seriously memang chubby gila. ^^ But Henry got round-shaped face, but not him. Oh well, who cares? Cute pun dah memadai. =)
Actually, I just got back from school had to stay back for a half day. 0,0 Omg, I had tons of problems to solve today; 23 January 2010. >_>
From the start of the bell rings shows the school's over 'till the end of the chapter of my life at school. Memang dugaan hidup betul ouh. Ok, *time for confession. Yui nak guna bahasa melayu, nak lepas geram. First, pasal both board libraby and taekwondo. Ya Allah Ya Rabbi, tade orang lain lagi ke yang boleh dapat jawatan Kebersihan dan Kesihatan? Kesian Atiqah, setiap koko dapat jawatan [kecuali English] Macamlah dia tu robot~! Dia pun nak hidup jugak! Pastu kesian jugak kat Yui (?). Sape lagi kalau bukan Yui yang kena tolong. Yui ikhlas nak tolong tapi masalahnya family Yui suma tade kat rumah. Diorang pergi visit Tsuki kat asrama dia kat Kelantan. Budak kecik tu asyik menangis je~ Nah, sekali satu family datang tengok dia! Bukan nak bersyukur. -.- Anyways, kira Yui kena stay kat rumah sorang-sorang 3 hari 2 malam lah ni. Satu-satunya transport yang ada cuma pak cik Noor yang dah banyak berjasa hantar balik Yui masa sesi petang. Kan susah nak buat kerja macam ni? ;/
Cakap pasal transport, disebabkan hujan lebat, jalan jadi jam. so Yui terpaksa balik pukul 8 malam. Tak ke tragis tu? Balik last pulak tuh! Eiii, budak form 1 form 2 sikit je, tapi minyak petrol bazir sebab jam. Sakit hati betul! Semuanya *gara-gara SMK Seksyen 10. Sekolah dalam sangat, bukan nak ke depan. Kaw nak menyorok kat celah hutan simpan tu ke apa? =,=
Oh ye. Kisah pencarian seorang guru bernama Pn. Norizam. Uwaa, memang buat orang jadi twisted macam Kak Falil. Mula-mula check Science Lab since dia ajar Yui Science. Tengok cikgu tade. Kitorang pun pergi kat meja dia. Next class dia masa tu kat kelas 3 Intelek. Kitorang hampir nak pergi tapi thanks to Cikgu Ramziyah sebab sempat bincang pasal Taekwondo. Pastu ada terfikir jugak mana tahu cikgu kat Kafeteria Guru. Hampir je nak pergi, loceng dah bunyi. Kitorang pun jumpa Cikgu Ramziah balik nak tanya pasal board Taekwondo punya kunci since Cikgu Norizam yang uruslan kunci board Unit Beruniform. Baru je nak blah dari bilik guru, tiba-tiba dia muncul. Kitorang akhirnya dapat jumpa tapi bab kunci pulak. Kitorang tak ingat Taemwondo sebelah Unit Beruniform apa. So Yui pergi turun bawah tengok. Pastu naik balik atas bagitau Cikgu Norizam. Cikgu bagi kitorang kunci tu. Kitorang masa tu terpaksa rush sebab ada Majlis Akujanji. Sekali masa nak bukak en, tengok board tu memang tak kunci dan tak boleh kunci. Sial betul kunci tu. Buat penat orang je.
Aaa, masa nak balik tu en ada buadk-budak Cina Form 1 tu en? Yui dah lama tunggu kat pondok tu sebelum diorang datang. Yui letak beg sekolah dan segala barang kat sana dulu. Yui pergi surau, nak solat kejap. Sekali masa solat, hujan dah turun lebat. Yui continue solat macam biasa, then baca doa macam biasa. Pastu Yui rush pergi pondok tu nak rescue beg kesayangan Yui yang dalam tu ada majalah YG cover Ryeowook Super Junior. Mana tak sayangnye, gambar Wookie ada dalam tu~! Yui dengan bersanggupan lari kat pondok tu yang lebih kurang 50+ meter dari surau dengan harapan majalah tu tak kena air. Baju Yui habis basah kuyup. Yang Yui mampu buat cuma peluk badan dan gosok-gosok tangan. Sejuk gila. Baju Yui tu siap boleh tos air tau. x]
Oklah. I guess sekatakat sini je boleh Yui cerita. Dah mengantuk ni. Byebye. (:
-YuixWookie; Pinky Promise forever. (;
Labels: friends, ryeowook, Sakura Yuuki, school
Anyeong. [:I just done my homeworks. Just killing my evening. Btw, I'd read Emii neechan's post about the JE Boys vote. Well, I vote for Yuto niichan for the sake of Emii neechan. (= Don't worry, neechan. I'll tell my friends to vote for Yuto niichan. ;D But I guess Yuuki will definitely vote for HER Yamada. :p Oh yeah, congrats for Yuto, Emii neechan and Hana neechan for the Yuto's position from number 7 to number 4! :D
What are you waiting for? Let's make it number 1 for Yuto! :DDNiichan, LET'S BEAT YAMASHITA TOMOYUKI TOMOHISA! ;DD
Oh yeah, are you curious why the title is "Alone"?
Well, I'm addicted to the rookie boyband CN Blue's Alone. That's why. x]
p/s: The 'election' is in Kanji. So, make sure you search, click and vote for 中島裕翔 okay? :)
In other news, err, we got a bad news.
Xiah oppa is now hospitalized at Gangnam. Uwaa, I feel so bad for him~! =(
I don't know what exactly the disease he got but I hope he'll recover soon! ;O
Click here for detail. ;(
-YuixWookie; Pinky Promise to love each other more each day. =)
Labels: DBSK, Emii neechan, Hana neechan, JE, NEWS, Xiah oppa, Yuto
Confusion T^T
Is it awkward to fall for a Chinese?
You see, every time I saw him, my cheeks gone red!
The best thing is, we met almost everyday *after school since the first day of 2009.
But I started to know him since I know that both of us joined the 'Basketball Team'.
Then this incident happened to us on a very cloudy evening. =,= Ughh, please stop! For the sake of Kim Ryeowook, I DON'T WANT TO LIKE HIM, EVEN A BIT! ;O
I don't wanna leave Wookie hubby. The Pinky Promise we made will always be. [; <3
Besides, me and him are different. EVERYTHING are different about us. [does that mean I'm an alien? xD]
Stress. Tension. Pressure. Please don't add some more~! ><
*EDIT: After School is love ♥ :)
-YuixWookie FOR-E-VER !
we keep the faith eternally. (:
Labels: friends, ryeowook, school
Yeah, I told you I'm hiatus till October. But seriously I need to post about this! My beloved darling hubby Kim Ryeowookie and his gang is coming to Malaysia to see me! :DD

I HOPE* I can go to that SS this March. Unfortunately, I can't. Look at the ticket price. So expensive. T^T I don't have that much! Even the piggy tiger bank* is not enough. Unless if I rob the bank! No, I can't rob the bank just for keep an eye on Wookie-chan and watching my lucky 13 singing and dancing~ Besides, Ummi Abah would definitely against me. ;( Saa, I hope whoever who can go there, have fun. Unlucky Yui can accept the reality. Yui still can watch Wookie-chan on desktop and tv. No biggie. No worries. Yui will try my best finding the way to buy the VCD. (:
*EDIT: 1. Ft. Island's hit song, I Hope. ;) 2. Yes, Yui put coins in tiger bank. (;
p/s: My bad friend, Zhi Qian said she is Wookie's mummy and she totally against OUR relationship. LOL, who cares on your opinion. We're engaged for 15 years, MOM ! xD
-YuixWookie; we keep the faith eternally. <3

Wow, he's prettier than women. 0_0 A bit jealous. x]
Labels: friends, ryeowook, super junior
I'm no longer active so BYEBYE.
Gotta study for PMR.
See ya in the end of October. ;]