Hey there. Today I wanna talk about Infinite, my all time favourite group. Well, they are now quite famous since Be Mine MV released. I'm so happy that their fanbase are getting stronger and get lots of support from new Inspirits :)
But somehow I feel quite sad about this. Most of the reason of their popularity is because of their good-looking face. I mean yes, of course they are talented. They have good voice, synchronize in dancing, rapping, playing instruments and lots. But most new inspirit judge them on how their looks not on their personality and that upsets me a lot.
I once chat with this so-called-Inspirit on facebook. I told her that I envy Dongwoo a lot because he can make an awkward circumference becomes fun with his contagious laugh. And guess what that 'Inspirit' told me? She said that Dongwoo is her least favourite because he's UGLY. And I go "WTF DON'T CALL YOURSELF AN INSPIRIT UNLESS YOU KNOW HOW TO APPRECIATE ALL OF THEM". See what i'm saying? This type of fan alienate some of the members. I can't believe they call themselves a fan. That is so can't be happening ಠ_ಠ
Anyways, It's still fresh in my mind. I still can remember that time when I checked out Epik High's Run MV last year. (i'm their die-hard fan like srsly). As I was enjoying the MV, suddenly this hottie guy which is the main character of the MV appears and I was like "Damn, this guy is so freaking hot." After a few months, there's a news about a new boy's group called "Infinite" an so I checked out about them and their songs on the net and I was literally fall for them. And guess what? I found out that hottie in Run MV is my current husband Myungsoo lol xD I found him attractive from the way he sing and the way he look into camera. Sexy and talented; he's so my type. So yeah, that's how I became an Inspirit; thanks in advance to Epik High. :)
Seeing them now, I can't believe they are so far away Over The Top of the skies now compared to their old days. They used to be trainees under Woolim for several years and lived under the same roof since then. (Oh before that, congratulations for their new house for the winning at M!Countdown last month ^^) Woolim is so stingy lol jkjk. Thanks to their effort, they are getting better and better with all they got. I'm so proud of them :') #ALWAYS AN INSPIRIT NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS, PINKY PROMISE❥
I'm back yaw. Haih, sekarang ni aku busy gila ouh. Takda masa nak layan blog ni. Memang dah berhabuk habis lah blog ni aku tgk. Rindu pulak rasanya nak menge-blog ni. Btw, bulan ni memang banyak betul dugaan hidup, sakit otak nak handle.
First, aku dah lah tak faham satu hapak pun pasal prinsip akaun (sebab tidur dlm kelas; cikgu boring), pastu kena buat kerja kursus yang aku sendiri tak tahu apa soalan dia nak. Sampai gugur rambut aku dibuatnya.
Then basikal aku. Boleh pulak ada bangla curi basikal lepas balik raya haritu. Jiran aku kata dia nampak ada sorg bangla ni pegang-pegang basikal aku sebelum nak pergi kedai. Ugh, susah kot aku nak pergi tuisyen sekarang ni bila dah takda basikal. Aku harap bangla tu accident, biar dia rasa apa rasa sakit tu hohoho.
Next, oral, presentation & perbahasan. Ugh, can I just die now? Yang oral & presentation tu boleh tahan lagi, tp bab perbahasan tu ugh memang mencabar confidence aku. Nervous kot kena lawan dgn terrorist (org terer-terer) =="
So tu je lah yang sempat aku taip. Ada banyak lagi nak diluahkan dari sanubari ni tapi masa tak membenarkan aku menge-blog ni banyak lagi. Kbye, till next time.
Hey there. Today I wanna talk about Infinite, my all time favourite group. Well, they are now quite famous since Be Mine MV released. I'm so happy that their fanbase are getting stronger and get lots of support from new Inspirits :)
But somehow I feel quite sad about this. Most of the reason of their popularity is because of their good-looking face. I mean yes, of course they are talented. They have good voice, synchronize in dancing, rapping, playing instruments and lots. But most new inspirit judge them on how their looks not on their personality and that upsets me a lot.
I once chat with this so-called-Inspirit on facebook. I told her that I envy Dongwoo a lot because he can make an awkward circumference becomes fun with his contagious laugh. And guess what that 'Inspirit' told me? She said that Dongwoo is her least favourite because he's UGLY. And I go "WTF DON'T CALL YOURSELF AN INSPIRIT UNLESS YOU KNOW HOW TO APPRECIATE ALL OF THEM". See what i'm saying? This type of fan alienate some of the members. I can't believe they call themselves a fan. That is so can't be happening ಠ_ಠ
Anyways, It's still fresh in my mind. I still can remember that time when I checked out Epik High's Run MV last year. (i'm their die-hard fan like srsly). As I was enjoying the MV, suddenly this hottie guy which is the main character of the MV appears and I was like "Damn, this guy is so freaking hot." After a few months, there's a news about a new boy's group called "Infinite" an so I checked out about them and their songs on the net and I was literally fall for them. And guess what? I found out that hottie in Run MV is my current husband Myungsoo lol xD I found him attractive from the way he sing and the way he look into camera. Sexy and talented; he's so my type. So yeah, that's how I became an Inspirit; thanks in advance to Epik High. :)
Seeing them now, I can't believe they are so far away Over The Top of the skies now compared to their old days. They used to be trainees under Woolim for several years and lived under the same roof since then. (Oh before that, congratulations for their new house for the winning at M!Countdown last month ^^) Woolim is so stingy lol jkjk. Thanks to their effort, they are getting better and better with all they got. I'm so proud of them :') #ALWAYS AN INSPIRIT NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS, PINKY PROMISE❥
I'm back yaw. Haih, sekarang ni aku busy gila ouh. Takda masa nak layan blog ni. Memang dah berhabuk habis lah blog ni aku tgk. Rindu pulak rasanya nak menge-blog ni. Btw, bulan ni memang banyak betul dugaan hidup, sakit otak nak handle.
First, aku dah lah tak faham satu hapak pun pasal prinsip akaun (sebab tidur dlm kelas; cikgu boring), pastu kena buat kerja kursus yang aku sendiri tak tahu apa soalan dia nak. Sampai gugur rambut aku dibuatnya.
Then basikal aku. Boleh pulak ada bangla curi basikal lepas balik raya haritu. Jiran aku kata dia nampak ada sorg bangla ni pegang-pegang basikal aku sebelum nak pergi kedai. Ugh, susah kot aku nak pergi tuisyen sekarang ni bila dah takda basikal. Aku harap bangla tu accident, biar dia rasa apa rasa sakit tu hohoho.
Next, oral, presentation & perbahasan. Ugh, can I just die now? Yang oral & presentation tu boleh tahan lagi, tp bab perbahasan tu ugh memang mencabar confidence aku. Nervous kot kena lawan dgn terrorist (org terer-terer) =="
So tu je lah yang sempat aku taip. Ada banyak lagi nak diluahkan dari sanubari ni tapi masa tak membenarkan aku menge-blog ni banyak lagi. Kbye, till next time.
The Writer: Nur Aifa Mohd Raub
Born Day: 13 July 1995
Country: Malaysia
Fav Color: Simply black and white, plus green
I don't express my feeling well, I prefer keep things inside. I can be quite shy too ^▵^ My temper is no joke once you reach my patience limit, though I have that "kind" face. Yes, I have a complicated personality but people can count on me. You can tell that i'm still childish lol. I'm a choding afterall. Me in virtual world is waaay different than me in real life. I'm a night person, a metaphor of owls. In other words, internet causes me semi-insomnia almost every night sobseu ;~;
Fav Foods and Drinks: Omma's cook ♡ And of course, caffeine.
Fav Artist: Infinite, EXO, CN Blue, Juniel, Teen Top, Nell, Phantom, Standing Egg.
Fav things : Online, tweeting, stalking oppa, sleeping, collecting origami stars and other kawaii things, fangirling.
Nickname: Myungfa
Special Date: 11 June 2010
Journey: 2 years, 7 months & still counting
Hope: You and I, married.
Myungfa is our nickname which combine our name together. I love checkered shirts, and so does he. I believe this is destiny lol. I've been a fan of him since Infinite debut days which was 11th June 2010. I may own lots of biases but he is forever my ultimate one, my ichiban. There are lots of things to tell about him but what matter the most is I love him. I wish you happiness, bb. Thanks for being a part of my life. You don't know how grateful am I to found you. I deeply hope the day of our meeting will come one day. <3