Volume 2
Woohooo ! Finally I chose Big Bang!
Last month, I went to Speedy and I'm interested to buy the Big Bang's Volume 3 or SS501's Rebirth. But it ended with Super Junior M's first mini album. When I came back to Speedy this evening, I just saw Volume 1, 2 and some other Big Bang's mini album. I thought of buying the Volume 3 before but me can't do anything. Orang dah beli, tak boleh nak tolonglahh. SS501's Rebirth was there, but I only got RM 50.00 in my hand. Sh*t, It costs almost RM 70.00! T^T Tapi kalau dia bagi sekali poster besar, it can consider as 50/50 lahh.
Wait wait, MBLAQ's first album was there too! ;O Iman Yui seriously mcm dah tergugat (mmg tergugat kot) bila nampak gambar Joonie oppa. x] At first I thought of buying it, but then my eyes captured something. It costs RM 26.90 just for 3 songs. Ugh, It was very annoying. I had to let it go and look at other else.
Then my eyes caught SNSD's 2nd album, Genie. Kyahh~! I was almost scream out loud when I saw the album! This time, I'm being careful. I check the price; it's okay, the cover; it's a BRAVO; and lastly the songs, which the reason why I don't buy it. Sume lagu-lagu dia Yui dah dengarlahh. Baik tak payah beli kalau dah tau en? So Yui bertekad nak tunggu album "Oh!" keluar kat Malaysia dulu baru beli. [;
I was
tired of waiting the right choice came out. Then I saw a disc, a disc with hot kpop songs. It got SJ songs, DBSK songs, 4M songs, WE songs, SNSD songs and more. I want to buy it but I think twice. I think it's like a shortcut to happiness. Yui nak kumpul duit untuk beli album yang officially keluar oleh company masing-masing because I'm a true KPop fan. (cecehh) So, I say no.
Yui belek-belek album yang ada sampai ada yang terjatuh. (Kebanyakannya Big Bang. Apasal ntah. x]) Sampai ke hujung dunia, Yui terjumpa Brown Eyed Girls. Omg, I love the cover. It's so stylish and simple. ;] I checked the songs first and I let it go. Almost every songs is remix lahh. I want random songs, not remix ones. ;/
Because of tired searching, I went back to Big Bang and grab Volume 2 without checking anything. (because I've checked it like million times. -,-) So, finally I got Big Bang. Welcome to your new home, Lollipop guys. :D
Kim Yui.
I'll keep RM 500 not for the concert but goodies
Woohoo ! Guess what ? I'm going to order a DBSK lanyard and a black SUJU's T-Shirt! :DD Happiness overload, people! :DD
Thanks a lot to japkorgoodies for the tips.
I don't care if those are not official ones [fanmade] but supports still supports, rite? Well, this is the way I support
my hubby SuJu since I'm lack of money rite now. Both goodies cost RM 71.59 but that's still consider as fine rite? Not agreeing? Duh! So you wanna bought the ticket for me? Is that so? :p At least the goodies are cheaper than the ticket. ;O
Anyways, I'm on my way keeping the money. Yeah, no eating canteen food and bring own food. I'm a true believer of our 13 angels, babeyhh. espeacially Wookie hubby♥ hahahh.
Kim Yui. ♥
Labels: DBSK, ryeowook, super junior, Super Show 2
I always mistaken Hyung Joon as Kibum. It's true.
I just done watching this yesterday after school. This is wayyy too hillarious! I cried and almost got a stomach ache laughing too much watching this thingy! xDD Yes, absolutely a big LOL for Soohyun oppa, as usual. xD
Try watch it. It's seriously good as medicine. x]
Oh, here's a bonus for viewers who watch the interview as a appreciation. The trot ManManHaNi! xDD
Kim Yui.
Labels: Interview, song, U-Kiss
He's fancafe-ing. ♥
Seems like Wookie is getting some rest from the war of SS2. :)
Hello~^^ (this is) a very late greeting for the new year ~~!!
Our ELF how have you been ?^^
Recently Ryeowookie has been being very busy with recording and preparing for the 4th album ^^
(Super show 2 which) got a lot of love has come to Taiwan~ Super show 2 will be continued for a while~~!!
Also thank you to the oversea ELF ~~!!
Yesterday I had a dinner with my parents in Incheon and while I was talking to them I was upset and cried unknowingly~
I felt I’m such a burden so I said sorry to my parents…anyway I has become an adult now…I had thought like that
Too much emotions have crossed my mind so that I cut off my talking with my parents in the middle and went to my room…
Saying sorry a lot to my parents is still not enough…I had thought like that~~
In fact until the debut’s early days I still behaved like a spoiled child I said I’m hurt if I felt hurt I was the only son like that..
but since when I began to keep everything myself…and it piled up piled up and it exploded yesterday^^;
I’m still a little upset but I feel better now…although I has been comforted when people seeing me crying or upset…but my parents’ way is still the best~
Although Ryeowookie has been a childish son for this 5 years…because of my parents I will try my best to become a greater/better son~ really…
I hope our ELF will be filial sons and daughters to your parents~^^ We should live as filial children to our parents~!!!^^
I have to go recording now~~ ㅋ
Happy New Year~~~ !!! I love all of all of you~~~!!!!!!!
PS. 4th album great success !!
Aww, he use Ryeowookie to describe himself. Cute as always as the eternal magnae does.^^ That's the Ryeowook I know. I heart him. ♥
Labels: f(x), ryeowook, SNSD =.=, song, super junior, Super Show 2
Supernova on milky way
Today, I listen to T-ara's TTL again. Suddenly I wondering who the heck these guys are and I found out they are a boyband called Supernova. Starting now, they are my new interest. [: Their music is awesome too.
Also, I found that one of the member of Cho Shin Sung is very very adorable. Meet Sungje oppa, the Teppei-chan's twin. ^^ ♥
Labels: Cho Shin Sung, Sungje
I didn't know I got a brother-in-law
Masa CNY haritu, Tsuki balik KL and dia kata dia obses dekat ZE:A, salah satu boyband yang tengah hot sekarang ni. (what about 2PM? 0_0) Yui tadelah minat sangat diorang, tapi lagu dia memang tiap-tiap hari menusuk kalbu. ;D Addictive gila lagu tu sebab dia mengajar balik nama-nama hari dalam seminggu. xD
Pastu Tsuki kata dia minat sape tah kat group tu. Tetiba dia tanya Yui minat sape kat group tu. Yui cakaplah Yui tak bape kenal dengan diorang tuh. Pastu Tsuki syorkan minat Heechul. Then Yui tengok-tengoklah profile dia ni, and guess what? I found that his face really resembles to my Ryeowook-sshi! ;O
Figure 1.1 Heechul's profile.

Figure 1.2 Their formal pose.
Figure 1.3 Their unformal pose.
Look at their style. It's almost same, huh? But, I'm sorry Jung Heechul-sshi 'cause my Ryeowookie is sweeter, breathtaking, yet shorter than you. What? I like short guys 'cause I'm short too lahh. xD Anyways, it's really obvious that Ryeowook is not his brother 'cause Ryeowook is the only son in his family. And, look at their family names. No doubt about it, right? [;
Labels: Jung Heechul, ryeowook, ZE:A
MV/PV love is on the air!
Firstly, I just found out HSJ's PV is out. Like I said before, it's pretty cool.
And and, some comments addition; I miss them, and JE. :( Plus, Inoo niichan and CY seriously look so cute there. I really mean it. My eyes shockingly got bigger when I saw them. Heyy, that's doesn't mean I don't love Ryeowookie, ok~ Wookie is my eternal love. ♥
Second; KYAHHH~! I am so into Kara's Lupin nowadays! :D The teaser is out already, including the dance teaser by Gyuri and Jiyoung. I can feel that the MV is going to be a blast! ;D
Third; Remember the post about Lollipop 2 before? Well, the full song and the CF is out! :D Still waiting for the MV out. ;/ Btw, Seungri oppa is adorable as always on that CF. ♥ :3 There's no need I have to comment the song. Since it's Big Bang, they always bangs their fans with their techno songs. =) *Omg, I'm very curious who's going to be the Lolly Girl. ;D
Enjoy! =)
Labels: big bang, HSJ, Kara
Super Juni-or and Big Bang rocks tonight
Can you believe it? Super Junior's performances will be aired on Astro [Channel 338] ! :D
Unfortunately, I'm too late 'cause this channel is free on Chinese New Year only. :( I was at Muar on that time. Dammit, things like this always happened to me. T^T
In other news, Big Bang is searching for Lollipop Girl for the Lollipop 2 CM. Wow, this sounds interesting. =) There must be billions of girls out there hoping of becoming the Lollipop Girl, even me. ;) But I am sooo lazayy to join the audition. =___= So, wanna share the lollipop with Big Bang? =3
Labels: big bang, commercial, ryeowook, seungri, super junior
Suprisingly it sounds cool.
Just now, I opened Emii-neechan's bloggie and I saw this.
Finally, Johnny-san knew how to make MV PV teaser thanks to DBSK's idea, and finally HSJ made a PV. This song got a cool beat. It's nice. =) But the PV somehow kinda weird. ;/ Urmm, and... all of them still stay cute like usual. ^^ But heyy, my Kim Ryeowookie is cuter than them for sure. ♥♥
Apasal lagu ni best hah?! 0_0
-YuixWookie; eternal short hubby and wifey. ♥
Labels: chinen yuuri, Emii neechan, HSJ, ryeowook, super junior
Chinese New Year was a Wonder-full Day
A big HELLO for my blog readers.
Yeah, it's been a long time I don't blogging huh ? Well, I'm kinda busy lately. Mianhae. :(
Yesterday, I just got back home from my hometown at Muar, Johor. It was sooo unforgetable. Meeting Khalisa and the other cousin was like a dream. It's been a long time we don't meet since last year. Anyways, this is not the point I wannna talk about. It's about Wonder Girls. It's all started with my mummy and aunt Mak Itam, Khalisa's mummy.
On a very SHINee morning, all of us had breakfast. Suddenly Ummi started a conversation complaining about me; 24 hours Kpop-minded. Hehehh. x] Then Mak Itam said Khalisa also like that. Even Ummi and Mak Itam know about Wonder Girls' Nobody. And and Mak Itam also know how to pronounce "Saranghae" because of her first daughter. xD The only thing that me and Khalisa can do was a big grin. :3
The second situation; it is time to go home. After we done packing our bags, suddenly the Wonder Girls' Nobody english version was on the radio! Wokayy, no wonder Mak Itam and Ummi know this song. x]
And the last situation, when we arrived at KL Abah drop by at Tesco Shah Alam for awhile to buy some things for Tsuki. It was the last day Tsuki at Shah Alam. When we was searching some things, suddenly I can hear Wonder Girl's So Hot at the Tesco. Omg, it was really unbeliavable! :D Anyways, Shin Young's face suddenly appear on my mind that time. LOL! xD
Wonder Girls really made my day on CNY. :) ♥
Labels: family, Kim Shin Young, Wonder Girls
OH! MY GEE ! Wookie did say that? 0_0
Annyeong~! :DOmg, I miss my bloggie hella much! I miss typing, I miss downloading vids and mp3s and I miss allkpop & dkpop!
Today, I scroll down the DKpop updates on my Dashboard and I saw this. OMG, This conversation really cracks me up! xDAnd Kangin oppa, Wookie hubby IS NOT A GAY ! =,=
Donghae: Ah… Ryeowook said he was going to marry me..
Kangin: Really?
Ryeowook: Yeah, I want to marry Donghae.
Kangin: Why?
Donghae: No, there was a question.. If Ryeowook was a girl which one of the members would he marry, and he said me.
Kangin: Why?
Donghae: ..Why?
Ryeowook: Do I have to reveal it here?
Donghae: Reveal it.
Kangin: Say it.
Ryeowook: I really like you, Donghae sshi.
Donghae: Ah, why… no, I mean, why do you like me!
Ryeowook: Why are you like this?
Donghae: No.. it’s just weird.
Ryeowook: Hyung, you don’t like me?
Donghae: No, I like you but.. if I don’t say it it’ll be all weird.
Ryeowook: What’s weird?
Donghae: For the people who are listening…
Ryeowook: I just like you, all the words that you say.. (Hae laughing like an
insano in the background) the way you read some things wrong.. the way
you smile like this..
Kangin: For real? Really? You have to say it right.
Ryeowook: I like it.
Kangin: You would even marry him?
Donghae: I can’t do it.
Kangin: Ryeowook, Donghae said he can’t do it..
Ryeowook: The problem is that I’m not a girl..
Kangin: In some countries they allow gay marriage..
Ryeowook: No, why are you being like this?!?!
Kangin: If both of you have the heart to get married, I can help you~
Ryeowook: No, I don’t want to!
Kangin: Okay………. Ryeowook is being weird… you… don’t come into my room anymore.
Donghae: Ryeowook… slept in my room.
Ryeowook: Why are you like this~~~?
Donghae: He just brought his computer, and he could’ve just done it in his room
but he came into my room and sat in my chair and used the computer. So
I was like ‘uh.. aren’t you going to sleep?’ and he was like ‘Hyung,
I’m going to sleep here.’ So I was like ‘Here?! But you have your own
bed in your own room.’
Ryeowook: But there was like no one there!
Donghae/Kangin: Where?
Ryeowook: There was no one in the room~ Everyone else went home~ So……….. we slept together~~
(All laughing like crazy)
Kangin: Okay, no more no more no more!
People people, please, think positive of this, okay? Don't thought of something crazy over it. Ryeowookie is a goody guy, ok~ He just said IF HE WAS A GIRL. Anyways, it's still funny huh? x] The way Wookie confess is a bit like a girl. Well, it's not his fault to can't stay away from being Super Junior's mummy, rite? :3
Ok then, that's all for now. Byebye. :)
Labels: donghae, fishy, kangin, ryeowook, super junior