SBS Gayo Daejun ROCKS ! ;D
I got know about SBS Gayo Daejun after watching the cf teaser. Omg, the CF is sooooooo kawaaaaii~! ^^ Check it out. I bet you'll fell like wanna cuddle them. ^^ ;
Then me and Tsuki watch aaaall cuts of girls groups singing boys groups' songs and boys groups singing girls groups' songs. Uwaa~! I really love to watch them! :DD The girls do the Heartbeat, Ring Ding Dong, Heartbreaker and Sorry Sorry. ;D The Sorry Sorry performance is performed by some of SNSD's member, but non-exist of Taeyeon and Tiffany make it perfect. [;And boys, my fav are all of Muzik, Bo Beep Bo Beep, Sign and the cutest of all, Mister. Well, baby face Yo Seob is there. Of course it is. ^^ Here they are;
Girls Group;
*look at Heechul oppa. Even women are not pretty as her him. :O
2- Bo Beep Bo Beep.
*Aww, 2PM got cute paws. ^__^ I love Nickhun and Wooyoung here. <3
3- Mister.
*Aww, Yo Seob oppa is sooooo cute! ^_^ Plus the cute guys, Nichkhun oppa, Wooyoung oppa and Gi Kwang oppa make it cuter! =3
4- Sign
*Lol, Jokwon! xD Hell yeah, nobody can't beat the ssanti king's dance. ;D Wait, he's on Gain part ? =) *Chansung oppaaaa ! :DD
5- Muzik
*At first I thought the blonde hair guy was Heechul. It's MBLAQ's cutie magnae Mir! =D Aww, he's so pretty! ^^ *p/s: Joon oppa looks hot here. ;D
Here some random videos related with Gayo Daejun;
-YuixWookie; we keep the faith eternally. <3
Labels: 2 AM, 2NE1, 2PM, 4 Minute, B.E.G, B2ST, MBLAQ, pretty man, SBS, SHINee, SNSD =.=
I'm a Mushroom. :)
Yeah, I had a haircut 2 days ago. I'm so proud to join the Mushroom Community. :D
-YuixWookie; we keep the faith eternally. <3 :)
Labels: B2ST, Ft. Island, Mushroom, SHINee, U-Kiss
Home sweet home
TADAIMAAAA~ ! :DDI'll use Malay in this post to express my feeling . :)
Uwaa~ ! Rugi gila balik kampung Christmas harituuuu ! ><
At the very first plot on 25 December 2009, my whole family baru nak pack up barang-barang untuk balik kampung. Dahlaa Ummi sempat lagi nak sapu mop satu rumah. Omg, you can't imagine how my house was. It was veeery crowded. Haha, this reminded me of Home Alone. x] me and Tsuki was the first dah siap packing barang-barang. Sementara tunggu diorang sume, Yui sempat tengok 8tv cite Korea Sparkling Break Dance. Boring ouh. Nothing interested pun, but I spotted that tempat break dancing competition tu dekat Incheon, area rumah parents MBLAQ's Park Sang Hyun a.k.a Cheon Dung/Thunder, adik 2NE1's Dara. *Panjang gila explanation. xD* Ni pulak reminded me to MBLAQ's Mir bagi explanation rumah parents sape tah kat Star Golden Bell Challenge. Detailed gila. xD
Senaye, ada makna kenapa Yui bukak 8tv. Sejak azali lagi, Yui memang dah lama tertunggu-tunggu menanti M-NET AWARD kat 8tv pukul 1.30 pm masa Christmas haritu. Oleh yang demikian, saraf-saraf kepala otakYui pun makin binggeul binggeul *rujuk pada lagu b2st; bad girl* memikirkan macam mana nak tengok. Dah lama berfikir, Tsuki suddenly dapat idea. Her idea was pujuk Ummi Abah naik kereta Honda Ummi sebab ada tv. :D Yui dengan rasa happy tak terhingga can't resist the haengbok and jumping like a kangaroo. :DD At first, Abah nak naik kereta Pajero dia but thanks to Tsuki yang pandai pujuk orang kitorang ended naik Honda. Pheww, I'm so lucky to have a sister with Kpop love. :)
Abah started the engine and blast off on 12.30 pm. Tsuki and me keep waiting 1.30 pm to come. I hope it was 2PM to come but since 1.30 pm is a big time for KPop, I rather wait for 1.30 pm. x] We keep waiting, and waiting and waiting and stop! What? All of us except Abah will eat first while Abah pergi solat Jumaat?! Noooo! Yui tak perasan masa tu hari Jumaat. :OO Takpelah, Abah memang dah wajib kena solat so that's okay. But time makan tu Yui sangatlah resah gelisah takut tak sempat tengok, espeacially masa makan ayam. Yui makan ayam tu macam dah tade rasa pape dah. A few minutes ago, Abah datang and makan kejap. Sian Abah, lapar. Sementara abah makan tu, Yui & Tsuki sneaking masuk kereta and terus bukak tv. Haha, cuba teka sape muka mula-mula keluar kat tv tu? Joon's beloved daddy, Rain! :DD Dia bagi sepatah-dua ucapan. Omg, Rain was soooo Minhwan..? Haha, you betcha, they're really look alike. Well, Joon oppa's papa is hotter for sure. ;]
Lepas Abah dah haibs makan, kitorang teruskan perjalanan sambil menonton televisyen. Tetiba Ummi terfikir nak belikan kasut baru untuk Adam kejap sebab kasut dia sume dah kecik. So kitorang berhenti kat Budget Store somewhere around KL. Diorang sume keluar pergi beli kasut Adam kecuali the girls siblings; me, Tsuki and Arisha. Whoah~ it was a blast. 2PM singing Super Junior's U and SS501 singing DBSK's Rising Sun. Masa Rising Sun tu boleh nampak DBSK cheer up SS501.Yunho Papa & Changmin oppa siap berdiri tepuk tangan lagi. ^_^ Then masa Kim Shin Young announce pemenang untuk apa entah, Ummi Abah dah masuk kereta balik. Cuba bayangkan, it's just a 2 years old kid's shoes and my parents took 30 minutes untuk cari. Sounds weird huh? Senaye Ummi Abah belikan Yui and Arisha baju sekali. Saja je. Tsuki padan muka kesian sebab takde saiz baju. Alaa, kat almari baju tu dah belambak. Rileks laa.
Yui and Tsuki memang syok gila ah tengok haritu. My favourite was Wonder Girls' Nobody perforamnce. It was awesome. Sebelum diorang buat persembahan, dia ada tunjuk video. The vid was Wonder Girls' Soohee make-up in the dressing room. Pastu dia tunjuk ada mystery guy nak sneaking masuk dressing room tu. Then bila lelaki tu masuk, Soohee hilang and he revealed his face. Guess who? It was 2PM's Chansung. Haha, sakit perut tengok Chansung pakai baju sort of like detective. He was sooo innocent. ^^ Comel pun ada jugak. x] My second favourite was Big Bang and Lee Hyori's performance. They sang Lies and Haru Haru. Oh, Daesung's solo is my fav too. It was so funny. xD
Kitorang teruskan perjalanan sampai kat Petronas somewhere kat Melaka ni memang cari nahas dengan Yui. Masuk je kat Petronas tu line dah takde. Uwarghh~! Why Melaka did did this to me?! Because of that, Abah tutup terus tv sebab langsung dah tade siaran. *tooooooot* betul laa! =.= Lepas melihat Big Bang menghilang di depan mata, Yui terus tidur. Malas nak sakitkan hati lagi dengan kisah di Petronas.
Pastu Yui rasa mata Yui dah cukup lama berehat so Yui bangun dari tidur. Tengok-tengok dah sampai Muar. Heh, bagus sungguh tuan puteri dari planet pluto ni. Tak menikmati langsung perjalanan. x] Btw, sampai Muar je kitorang beli mee bandung. Mula-mula ingatkan nak makan mee bandung kat rumah Mak Tuk tapi tengok Mak Tuk dekat rumah Nek Wa, my only moyang. Kitorang singgahlaa datang rumah dia saja nak tengok dia. Sekarang ni dia tengah sakit. Kesian~ Dah tua sangat. Kesian jugak dekat Nek Wa sebab tak dapat makan mee bandung. :( Lepas makan mee bandung, Yui dengan Tsuki saja main lapTOP. Suddenly, an unexpected accident happened right before our eyes. Tok Ap nak tangkap sekor ayam jantan ni tapi tak dapat, then ayam tu tetiba terbang tapi dia salah landing. Ayam tu ter-landing kat akuarium ikan. Ikan tu gigit kaki ayam tu sekali & pukul ayam tu dengan ekor dia. Sebelum sempat ikan tu gigit lagi, Abah sempat ambik ayam tu. Lepas dah lepaskan ayam tu, tetiba ayam tu hinggap kat kaki Tsuki. Haha, Tsuki had a trauma with breathing chickens [ayam hiduplah tu] since that incident. xD Alaa, trauma trauma pun makan ayam jugak. Gedikk. :P
Maghrib dah masuk. Kitorang suma solat Maghrib dulu, jama' sekali dengan Isyak. Lepas dah habis solat, hehe~ Yui & Tsuki menanti jarum jam tepat menunjukkan pukul 8.30 pm. Boys Over Flower [BOF] ~! :DD Saja nak tengok balik kat 8tv. Dulu dah tayang kat KBS World.Tapi en, boringlah dia alih bahasa Cina. Tak nampak real. -,- Btw, we had a television war with our Abah. Dia nak tengok berita, kitorang nak tengok BOF. Nasib baik lah berita selalu banyak iklan, banayak chance nak tengok. Heee. :] Kitorang dengan syoknya, dengan terliur tengok kehenseman F4 [tadelaa sampai terliur. -.-], khusyuk tengok cite tu. Lama sikit tengok, tetiba Ummi tegur *pointing on Hyun Joong* "Ni bukan laki hensem yang rambut pelik kat tv haritu?" Whoahh, Yui terkejut gila Ummi ingat lagi muka Joongie oppa. 0_0 Ada sekali haritu Yui tengok cite Happy Together sambil urut kaki Ummi. Masa tu first tima Yui dengar Ummi sokong Yui yang berkenaan JKPOP nih. Yui jawab balik "A'ah, laki tu." and sengih macam kerang busuk. x] Haha, yea, it was suprising but more shocking is Ummi cakap dia hensem..? Wahh, memang terbukti bahawa kehenseman Joongie oppa memang tiada tandingannya. ;D *Park Jin Young lagi hensem lah! xDD*
Then kitorang balik rumah Mak Tuk letak baju-baju and siap-sedia tempat tidur kat ruang tamu. Kitorang malas nak tidur kat bilik Mak Ikin, takut dia bebel nanti. Maklumlah, kedekut taik hidung masin. Hajjah Bakhilah betul. -.- Nasib baik ruang tamu Mak Tuk besaw *Melaka-ian's*. Lebih kurang pukul 11.40 pm, sume orang dah tidur. Yui & Adam je tak boleh lelap lagi, sambil tengok cite Santa Claus 2. Santa tak hensem lah. If baby boo Wookie was the Santa, I would be the happiest girl on the whole universal. :D Haha, let's stop this nonsense. x] Lepas beberapa minit, tengok Adam kat sebelah dah pengsan. Yui sorang je tak tidur lagi. Heh, menyesal betul tidur awal kat kereta tadi. Tapi Alhamdulillah tak lama kemudian Yui tidur jugak.
Esok pagi Yui bangun pukul 6.30 am solat subuh + gosok gigi. Ya Allah, sejuk gila pagi-pagi kat kampung. ;O Oleh yang demikian, Yui tangguh mandi pukul 9 pg. Sejuk sangat, tak tahan dowh. =___=
Yui dah mandi, Tsuki dah mandi, Abah dah mandi, Ummi dah mandi, Arisha pun dah man.. Eh, senang cite sume orang dah mandi lah. Then kitorang terus off ke kenduri kahwin adik kepada Pak Cik Rosli bapak kepada Suhaimi a.k.a Emi, Zikri a.k.a Iki, Umairah and Danish. Nothing interesting there. Yui sempat lagi membebel-bebel, complain kat depan bilik pengantin. Btw, tema kenduri ni warna biru putih. Maklumlah, orang BN. Pak Cik Rosli en kerja dengan Ali Rustam hipokrit tuu~ ;] Ada sekali masa raya hari raya haritu Pak Cik Rosli ajak Abah beraya dekat rumah Ali Rustam. Haha, Abah sah lah ignore je. Abah orang Pas. x] PAS HWAITING! Haha, sengal! xD Anyways, we were suprised with that Pak Long and his family was come too. Heh, berani tunjuk muka lepas dah buat war kat rumah Mak Tuk. =,= But I saw Abah tegur dia bagi salam and shake hands. Malu dia~ Tu laa, suka sangat salah faham dengan orang. Err, let's stop with this cruel story. It's a long story, about a war of our family on Abah's side raya tahun ni. :/ Anyways, part yang terbaik kat kenduri tu en, Yui dapat belon kat pintu gerbang pengantin. Hehe, it's not a crime to be childish, rite? :P
Lepas habis kenduri, kitorang balik rumah. Tapi sebelum balik, kitorang solat Zohor kat satu masjid ni, dekat je dengan kenduri. Omg, speacial gila masjid tu. Dia macam ada rupa tokong cina sikit. Abah kata masjid tu ada unsur cina sikit dulu ada cina nama apa entah masuk Islam and made the mosque. I'm in love with the mosque. Seriously cantik gila. First of all, sebab rupa macam tokong sikit tu. Second, warna dia hijau lumut. Third, kat depan masjid tu terbentang luas rumput karpet. Can you imagine how beautiful is that? ;D Yui sempat tangkap 2 gambar je. Memory card dah penuh. T^T Dahlah memory card reader dah hilang. Nasib nasib~ :/
Lepas tu kitorang terus direct ke rumah terus. Tapi en, masa sampai kat Shah Alam, Ummi changed her mind nak beli pizza Domino's kejap, makan kat rumah. Lepas kitorang dah habis makan, terus blah balik rumah. Kitorang sampai lebih kurang pukul 10.30 pm. [; Our journey ends there. Nasib baik Ummi kemas rumah awal-awal kalau tidak balik nanti mesti kelam-kabut. Kamsahamnida Umma! Aishiteru yo~! =) Kitorang mandi dulu, tukar baju, kemas beg. Then baru kitorang makan pizza. Perghh, memang sedap hingga menjilat kaki lah! ;D Sambil tu kitorang tengok Majalah 3. Ugh~ spoil ouh Majalah 3. Apasal lah kali ni pasal parkour? Buat teringat mamat perasan terer buat parkour sambil bawak komik kat Kyoushi Saisei jeh. -,- Lepas tu kitorang buat apa? Tidurlaa ! Penat weyh~ Ok lah, rasanya dah panjang sangat bercerita ni. Byebye. (:
-YuixWookie; we keep the faith eternally. ;] <3
Labels: 2NE1, 2PM, big bang, boys over flower, chinen yuuri, DBSK, family, Ft. Island, holiday, JYP, Lee Hyori, MBLAQ, Rain, SS501, Woder Girls
Not interested
I don't know when but Yuuki shared with me HSJ's new song Romeo and Juliette live on SK. *School Kakumei, not Star King. x]
Look at what Yuuki writes there. =,=
Ugh~ I'm so lazayy to look on HIS face.=,= ♪ You make me pissed off! ♫ *U-Kiss's Man Man Ha Ni. xD Btw, I've hear the song but I don't watch the vid Yuuki gave me. I heard the song with a speacial way. x] How? Well, I opened the vid on a new tab then I listened to DBSK's Breakout at the same time. Wow, I'm so genius! Kamsahamnida, Junsu [Xiah] oppa! :D You helped a lots. Saranghae. ♥ I just can hear a lil bit of the Romeo and Juliette song. BUT I coincidently heard the wrong part. I heard someone said "I love you, you love me" on that song. Wokayy, I don't know who said that but are you Barney's messenger or what? -____- And yeah, it's a sensitive words. -,- Anyways, it's better to listen to SHINee's Romeo and Juliette. It's wayyy too cool! ;D
I really love their voice here, espeacially Jonghyun oppa and Taemin's.
Yeah, Minho's rap parts are stunning like always. :)
One more thing, Onew oppa is wayyy too cute from you, Chii. Don't even think you are the King of Cuteness. Nichkhun and Yo Seob are the cute kings. :P Ugh~ I hate you too much since what you said to Taemin oppa and Koreans before this. =,= I'm done here. Wait wait! Both HSJ and SHINee got Romeo and Juliette the same song title. I wonder if this got a connection with Rei. Hurrmm~ Saa, let it be Mystery. *B2ST's x]* Seriously, I'm done with HSJ. Last but never least, I HATE YOU, CY! >,<
p/s: Yuuki, gomen ne but facing him is impossible. YADA YO. ;]
-YuixWookie ; we keep the faith eternally. <3
Labels: chinen yuuri, HSJ, Rei, Sakura Yuuki, SHINee, song
An important message for Sakura Yuuki
YUUUUUKIII !! GOMEN NASAAAAAI ! >O<Haritu en awak ada ajak kita pergi Curve en? Kita dah tanya mak kita and mak kita kata boleh tapi malangnya kitorang balik kampung sebab ada kenduri kahwin manusia yang mengacau plan kita. Urgghhh~! I'm so stressss ! ><
Tetiba je ayah kita kata nak balik kampung 25 Dec ni. Memang unexpected gila ouh. Pak cik kita tulaa , bagitau awal-awal laa. Ni last minute bagitau jadi mcm ni. Urgghh! =,= Rasa macam nak meletup kepala niii! ><
Pasal awak dengan Syaf tu, kita harap boleh tolong awak tapi keadaan dah jadi macam ni. Shikata ga nai na~ =( Gomen ne?
So sekarang awak decide laa nak pergi ke tak. Tapi kita rasa baik awak pergi sbb jauh-jauh dia datang nak keluar dengan awak, kesian pulak dengan dia. Tapi kalau awak pergi and dia macam dah lain macam [awak taulaa, pertikaikan friendship-friendship ni] pandai-pandailah awak tegur dia. Kalau dia tak nak dengar jugak, awak sabar jelaa. Ingat Ryosuke Yama NIICHAN banyak-banyak. Anggap dia ada dengan awak. Maybe that can help. x] Saa, jaa na. Take care. Jumpa kat sekolah minggu depan! =) GANBATTE YUUKI ! :D
"Yuuki, please forgive Yui or..."

"...her beloved mummy will hit me." :(
Lots of love,
Wookie's wifey Kira Yui. :)
Labels: friends, Sakura Yuuki
Patient is a virtue
Omg, it's only the first day of the second week and I really stressing out. Well, not because of the teachers or the studies but my new kpop friend, Syafiqah. Err, it's really hard to continue my life like this. A friend which is like an enemy to me but she still a friend. Complicated huh? :/ Uwaaa~ I love her as a friend and I also had to respect her as Ryeowook's fan but.. but.. ugh, you know that. -.- Here's what happened on the class just now.
Okay, I was a lil late because my whole family had to take my mom at Kelana Jaya on 6.30 pm. She had a meeting at Kuala Terengganu this morning; go there by aeroplane and went back home with her friend. Right after we took Ummi, Abah rushed to my tuition yang-sebenarnya-dekat-je-dengan-rumah.-jalan-kaki-pun-boleh as fast as he could. Thanks God I was just late a few minutes. Pheww~ ;]
Then I step into the tuition and open the class door. Syafiqah was the first student came there. It was funny that the late me still can be the second one. x] Oh, let's continue the last part. Suddenly, Syafiqah starts a conversation with her secret to me. It was really shocking, you know. Iit was about that annoying musang Firdaus. She told me that Firdaus SMS her to ask her become her girlfriend, slowly with some weird questions. Whoah, that musang Firdaus did it again?! =,= You see, he did once asking of my foster sister and now Syafiqah?? Well, as for me, I don't really care if they were couple as long she don't talk about my baby boo Kim Ryeowook. ♥ Hehe~ x] But from other side, I think Firdaus is hunting looking for a girlfriend. Galak gila nak mati mamat ni. -.- Dah single tu terima jelaa. Then for sudden, that musang came into the class. Hoho, thank goodness he don't hear us. x]
The teacher then told us to wait for Ehsan yang-langsung-tak-ihsan masuk class. Btw, It was Mathematics. [; I continue talking with Syaf and she showed that shocking me. Guess what? She showed me her inai-ed hands with some words as "Kim Ryeowook Super Junior". On that night, that was the part I really wished to clear off on my big head. =.= Ugh~! Pretending is a difficult thing to do. I don't want Syaf got upset so that's why. Let it pain in me. I don't care. =) After that, the class started with some exercises.
The class done and me quickly went out the class as well to let the pains over. At downstairs, both of our parents are not there yet. We talk about KPop there and laughing. I even remember what was the jokes but that was a precious moment. [; She then showed me her phone wallpaper again this time. The conversations was like this;
Syaf: Hensem en BF baru kita ni?
Yui: Haha, hensem? Tak lah. Comel laa pose dia. ^^
Syaf: Hehe, saja je tukar wallpaper dia. Hensem pulak tengok dia.
Yui: *smiling* :)
It was Eunhyuk! Yesss! :DD But, lol, Eunhyuk? Handsome? xD All this time for me, Hyukjae oppa is not a good looking guy but a funny one. That's why I love him. :D And also his cool dance moves. ;D Haha, thank goodness there's a little bit of "No Ryeowook" on her head. xD Then coincidently both of our parents came exact on the time. Wait, I realized something. Her mom's car Honda City is same with my mom's but Ummi's car is maroon and her mom's is gold colour. Haha, another coincident. xD Yeah, we are rivals, good rivals. :]
p/s: I miss Yuuki. :( <3

"Geudaerul saranghae, my love. Geudaerul saranghae, my love~"
Labels: friends, ryeowook, Sakura Yuuki, super junior
Again and again, Super Junior M's Blue Tomorrow was on TV right after I pressed the On/Off button on the remote control. To be truth, for two days this is the forth time I watch it. I'm dare to swear for this. No kidding at all about this.
Is there a meaning or sign behind this?
Hehe, you betcha! I'm Ryeowook's wifey, babeyh! ;D Lol yea, I'm expecting for you to say I'm so full of myself, haha. xD Really, I appreciate it.
By the way, since Blue Tomorrow is stuck in my head, I made my decision to use that song in my bloggie.
Thanks for the song, Zhou Mi. I've read the song translation and it's really touching. And thanks again for that song because it warmed me up after the fight with Tsuki.=) Well, Ryeowook makes it perfect, hehe. x] Oh, one more thing for Zhou Mi. I'm sorry for called you Squidwardonce. I'm admit that your nose is wayyy too hot than Squidward's. LOL! xD
Bye, I'm off. The clock shows it's already 12.20 am. *I wish it was 2 am. x]* I have to sleep early, Wookie hubby told me to do so. Jaa!
p/s: Yeah, livejournal style is coolio~! ;D

"I want nobody nobody but chyuu!"
Labels: ryeowook, super junior