queen of anything
Pagi tadi tengok MTV, ada music video Taylor Swift's Back To December. Geram ouh tengok muka Taylor dengan hairdo dia yang baru; fringe. You can say that she's like a living Barbie. ;O Lagi-lagi kalau dia buat hair-bun dengan rambut baru dia, sangatlah comeeeel ! =)
So sebagai tanda penghormatan kepada Cik Swift, saya, Cik Aifa telah mengumpul koleksi gambar-gambar rambutnya yang menawan lagi mengancam. (ayat macam tak bole poyo lagi) I bet you'll wow-ed with her beautiful hairdos.
So what do you think ? :)
- Aifa / Yui ♥
Labels: fashion, hair, taylor swift
these feets won't even budge anymore
This week is soooooo full of patience tests ; physically and mentally. The main highlight was the preparation for Mathematics exhibition for Hari Anugerah Cemerlang and the students . Aifa tak dapat apa-apa anugerah pun sebab result PMR dulu cukup-cukup makan , setakat 5A 3B je. Tak cukup nak meng-famouskan nama sekolah. Actually mula-mula ingatkan Azman ajak-ajak ayam je untuk join pameran Math so I just nod without any intention to join but tengok-tengok dia betul-betul letak nama Aifa untuk Math exhibition tu. Ni dapat tau pun masa tiba-tiba Yash datang kelas mintak buatkan robot and I was like what the hell tiba-tiba dia suruh buatkan robot. Rupa-rupanya Azman punya pasal Aifa terlibat. Haih , tahun ni baru fikir tak nak libatkan diri dalam apa-apa aktiviti tambahan sebab nak fokus kat studies je. Tahun depan nak SPM dah, tak boleh main-main macam PMR dulu dah.
Then yeah , paper Ujian 1. Mine is damn bad. I feel like I'm the worst among my classmates. Aifa failed paper Chemistry and Physics. Chemistry tu boleh tahan lagi sebab Sir Sam tak sabar sangat nak tengok kitorang fail but Physics, rasa amat sebak just sebab terlupa formula di ambang ujian. I don't know how but my mind was completely BLANK !! Ummi was right, I should have studying instead of texting or updating my facebook status thru phone. I mean the phone keep distracting me from doing anything else.
Speaking of the phone, Aifa rasa Aifa tertinggal phone dekat dalam kereta ayah Huril masa tumpang dia balik rumah lepas parti kat Kota D'sara's McD for Mathematics exhibition staffs. (Thanks for the treat, Yash! :DD) Gahh, me and Yash were like supermodels menyara diri dekat McD and I'd thought of uploading the pictures of us posing maut at the corner of McD tapi keadaan menghalang niat gue. Tak tahulah kalau phone Aifa tu ada ke tak kat dalam kereta dia. Doa-doalah ada, kalau tak mati eden.
Then the biggest test of all is my eyes bengkak teruk, berair and bangun pagi je bertahi mata exactly on the next day which is today. I'll absence tomorrow too because Ummi told me to. So the conclusions are ;
- I won't get my phone sooner or later from Huril.
- The McD pictures won't be uploaded this week sebab banyak gambar with big size and tak cukup masa serta malas nak bukak komputer.
- Last but not least, YUUKI'S BIRTHDAY IS TOMORROW (!!) I didn't even buy anything for her yet and I can't even be by her side on her b'day. Aaaa , I'm such a pathetic friend. T_T
Basically, I'm a major fail. Cover your eyes and let this loner be because trust me, you can't even bear to see it. //Thanks for reading btw//
- Aifa / Yui ♥
Labels: birthday, f, friends, life, saengil, Sakura Yuuki, school, tanjobi
As everyone know, the biggest earthquake ever been is happening now in Japan. Honestly, this is so shocking and sudden. I mean I got back home like usual with happy thoughts in my mind after having a war with my test. Then suddenly I got a news that the real war against the natural phenomena disaster is actually happen in Japan. Wow, this is really unexpected; never ever crossed in my mind about this.
Somehow, thank goodness Japan's Prime Minister bravely take responsible to recover Japan with this dangerous situation because usually most Japan ministers don't want to handle risky problems; yes they'll quit. Wait, I just run out of the topic. Anyway, it's a good news that the preliminary magnitude 8.4 concussion didn't attack Tokyo. Tokyo is the centre of Japan; imagine if Tokyo destroyed. Yeah it would be the worst nightmare for the whole Japanese and their generations. Well nobody wants Tokyo to disappear for sure. The world won't be the same without Tokyo. And generally, jpoppers and jrockers all over the world don't want to shed their tears for their idols lost. \Be safe, JE boys. Don't die young. You too, Johnny-san/
I wish I could donate money or anything good for them but I don't know how and I'm just an ordinary little human who owns no money and survive through my parents' wealth and love. So all I could do is just pray for their safety and may they find the Hidayah from Allah. For your information, earthquake is one of the signs of the doomsday so we better prepare ourselves on that day. May all of us being love by the side of Islam as the Khalifah of Allah. Amin.
- Aifa / Yui ♥
Labels: HSJ, Islam, Japan, JE
1. First KPOP Group?DBSK
2. First KPOP Song?
Suju M's Me
3. Favorite Male KPOP Group?
Too many, lazy to list them
4. Favorite Female KPOP Group?
There's too many.
5. Favorite Solo Artist?
Kim Jong Kook
6. Favorite KPOP Song?
Lately i'm into Big Bang's Tonight. :)
7. Favorite KPOP Music Video?
Infinite's BTD. They're freakin' hot ;D
8. Favorite Ballad?
SHINee's Your Name.
9. Catchiest Tune?
SNSD's Oh!
10. Best Male Dancer?
I have to say B2ST's Hyunseung. :3
11. Best Female Dancer?
After School's Kahi.
12. Best Male Vocalist?
Suju's Ryeowook =)
13. Best Female Vocalist?
SNSD's Taeyeon. (;
14. Best Male Rapper?
Outsider ;D
15. Best Female Rapper?
4MINUTE's HyunA (:
16. Best Male Leader?
When it comes to leadership, it's always been our Teukie angel . :')
17. Best Female Leader?
After School's Kahi. She's been wif them till she's 30. it's crazy ;)
18. Current song you're listening to?
Kara's Jet Coaster Love. :D
19. Previous song you're listening to?
MBLAQ's Stay
20. Next song you will be listening to?
I don't know. I just listen randomly.
21. Current KPOP Group addiction?
22. Current KPOP Song addiction?
Teen Top's Supa Luv.
23. Female KPOP Idol bias?
SNSD's Sooyoung / Jessica , After School's Nana :)
24. Male KPOP Idol bias?
Suju's Ryeowook , SHINee's Taemin / Onew / Jjong.
25. Ultimate bias?
Gotta say my lovable Ryeowook. :')
26. Hottest Male Idol?
U-Kiss's Kiseob
27. Hottest Female Idol?
Kara's Nicole
28. Cutest Male Idol?
B2ST's Yoseob :3
29. Prettiest Female Idol?
SNSD's Seohyun :)
30. Cutest maknae?
MBLAQ's Mir :D
31. MBC, KBS or SBS?
MBC ;)
32. Are you active on Allkpop?
Yeap ;D
33. Favorte Couple on WGM? (Seasons 1 & 2 - If you don't watch WGM, leave it blank)
Yongseo couple never disappoint me :3
34. Which Fandoms are you apart of? (ex. SONE, ELF etc)
I'm a true kpop fan so you can call me anything. ;D
35. Which KPOP Group forum are you most active on?
I'm too lazy to join any.
36. What is your favorite Korean Drama?
You're Beautiful :DD
37. What is your favorite Korean Variety show?
Star Golden Bell but too bad the show's over T_T 100 points out of 100 is fine too, so does Running Man. =)
Labels: kpop, survey
Easy come easy go

When we talk about life, sometimes we experience glory sometimes we experience failure. But what i'm facing right now is like a failure in glory. I mean I got good class, good friends and good environment but the more I think about it, the pressure is on rapidly. It's like I have lots of responsible to handle. I try my best to strike the highest goal which is to be happy as a good muslimah besides as a student but I never reach it till now. I discussed with ummi about this and she said "no matter what kind of conjectures we're facing, take a wudhu' and leave the rest to Allah." I thought about it deeply and I think ummi just solve my problem. So to muslim around the world, let's muhasabah, empty our mind from stress and pressure, pray and zikrullah. It's not to late to change. Let's remind ourselves to increase our Iman level because we never know when will Qiamat start. I wish the world is peaceful by the side of Islam. Assalamua'laikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
-Aifa / Yui ♥
Labels: Islam, life, Ummi
Asians rule (!)
Some may not know but these cool people are taking over the internet through youtube. I'm a big fan of them since then. They are like the little part of my happiness source. Frankly speaking, they live a good life. I mean they record something in front of the camera , upload on youtube, we viewers go woah and they'll earn money. Simplicity and fun , that's who they are. (:
Up from the left : KevJumba, MichellePhan, Nigahiga.
Down from the left: DavidChoi, mychonny, shimmycocopuffs, bubzbeauty
But no one can bright me up like JumbaHiga couple does. They are my hero. :D
This is my new hero, David Choi. He's a Korean American musician that makes me swooning on his lyrical melody songs. :')
-Aifa / Yui ♥
Labels: bubzbeauty, Chonny, David Choi, Kevin, Michelle Phan, Ryan, youtube, youtubers