you touch my heart, babeh
I still remember the time when I actually fall for this guy last year. He is not exactly a type of guy which girls can fall for easily. But yeah, heck I have no idea how the hell I can like him. I confessed to him exactly the day before he left. Urmm well, I longed of meeting him after he gone the whole year. Well, we did chat a bit on school holidays but it was sooo damn awkward. And he is still silent after I made my confession. I'm cool wif it.
I'm still here while he's far away in a new place. I'm kinda *cough*miss*cough* him. Well, not too much. You know, just so-so. I tried to forget him but my classmates keep mentioning him in class and i'm like "ok stop it, aifa. delete him." :/ However, Allah's plans are never predictable, anything could happen. Allah arranged up my plan meeting with Mr. A which is a year younger than me, in the middle of 2011. I met him as a neighbour at first, then I found that he is my junior too. Well, I always see him more as a lil bro than a crush at our first meeting. And yeah, I always thought he is adorable sometimes. BUT this feeling starting to feel wrong weird when time passes. Day by day, my heart races like a racing car whenever he's around. At first I thought that this was a false emotion, but now i'm positively sure that I am officially falling for Mr. A .___. Now my longing heart of my old crush is slowly fading away because of Mr. A. I'm kind of thankful I met him. Komawo.
Labels: life, Mr. A

Timon's right. I should just listen to his advice. I don't care about this anymore. I have a life to go on. There's still million miles of pathways await me. I shouldn't have wasted my tears for this. I'm done here. Sekarang kena fokus 100% on SPM je. I need to get out of this jail, fast. #AifaHwaiting
- Bini Kim Myungsoo ❤
Labels: luahan hati
Great, i'm killing thousands of birds with a stone.
I never expect that I had to bear lots of responsibilities this year. Tuisyen lah, buletin library lah, kelas tambahan lah, koko, sofbol, and the one I especially tired of the most, homeworks. Ya Allah, kalau boleh aku tak nak je tuisyen sebab it is burdensome and too much information keep enetering my brain that I couldn't catch them up. Tapi Ummi punya pasal, I had to keep my body busy with these works around me, so yeah. Lusa dah lah test, mengadap buku pun baca sekali imbas je huh.
Oh yea, I started playing softball just for fun last Friday and I am gradually falling in love with softball. Sumpah best ouh, and a bit tiring. Masa nak pitch to rasa swag je sebab dapat pegang bat, tapi dalam hati asyik fikir dapat pitch ke tak. Haha poyo pulak en. But somehow, I wish I'll get selected to represent the school for the girls' softball team, insyaAllah. :3
Problems keep coming to me like a magnet. Lots of things running through my head rite now so kepala pun tgh kusut tahap gaban ni. Since it can't be helped, all I could do for now is to think positive and solve them one by one. Mesti ada hikmah di sebalik segala yg berlaku en. I believe that there is always a reason behind Allah's test. But hey, i'm not faking my smile, i'm just hiding the pain. That's my way to stay positive. #StayStrongAifaChoding.
-Bini Kim Myungsoo ❤
Labels: life, luahan hati, school
Ups and Downs
Assalamua'laikum and annyeonghaseyo, minna-san.It's been so long I didn't update my blog. It's so messy in here. Some of the songs are messed up and I found out that I can't use Shoutmix for free anymore. Well, you know why. Abah cut the internet line on the reason he said that he wanted me to focus on my studies for SPM. So yeah, I don't really have a chance to blogging much since then. I don't hate my father for that, in fact i'm thankful that he did that. Like he said, I actually can focus in class and do my homeworks lol, especially after I lost my phone too. No more blogging, no more facebook, no more texting but unfortunately, no more Kpop. T_T
But you know what? Good news for meh! My dad actually brought home Unifi today and set it up at home. Hoyeahh! Unifi's line is so damn fast yo. I can browse whatever I want, whenever I want, in a blink of an eye. I managed to downloaded 1-10 episodes of SUFBB in half an hour. Actually, i'm pretty surprised when he set up internet line back because I still remember the old days when he was got mad at me because I overused the internet back then. Maybe Abah misses the internet, who knows. Or maybe i'm just lucky, I guess. keke
However, when good news came, the bad news always come along. So what's the bad news? Hurm, my relationship with this friend of mine is currently not so good. This other friend of mine and I made a little mistake to her but we tried our best apologized to her and persuaded her not to get into tears so much but she pushed me away, mentally and physically as if i'm just a friend-for-nothing to her or something. Then she told about this to her friends and make us look like jerks. Fyi, I actually silently cried over that situation. I can't believe she actually backstabbed us. Dammit, she was overreacting and obviously a drama queen. Seriously, I don't get her at all and i'm so done with her. You want to continue sulking, go ahead. I won't harm you for that and absolutely won't coax a crybaby like you anymore. I'd rather off alone myself than treating a princess friend like you.
So yeah, it's a tradition when we had ups and downs. I told Ummi that I had a complication at school but I didn't tell her about the fight. She advised me that life is like a wheel, sometimes you're on the top, sometimes you're down. Then she told me not to not let my guard down when I face such problems. She even told me that there are various kinds of people outside so I have to decide carefully when making friends. Lastly she said that don't forget to ask for Allah's guide if i'm deadlock. I thought about Ummi's advice a lot and it surely helped me a lot. I don't want to ruin this friendship. My friends are very precious to me but my patience has its limit. To me, doing so is too much so I made up my mind to remain silent and see what's next. I won't bash her. Gosh, i'm tired of dramas. All I want for now is to break-free from problems and SPM.
-Bini Kim Myungsoo ❤
Labels: Abah, friends, internet, luahan hati, school, Ummi